michaelh@uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Michael A. Hoffhines) (12/10/90)
I got tired of some DAs refusal to use cmd-W as an equivalent for Close and so launched ResEdit and changed the appropriate 'menu' resource in the DA handler to add the cmd-W to the Open item in the File menu. The cmd-W appears in the menu as expected, but the DAs in question do not pick up on the cmd-W. None of the DAs with which I have tried this have cmd-W defined anywhere on their own menu. Any ideas? For what it is worth: Mac SE/30 System 6.0.5 (Just say 'no' to 6.0.7 and its no-coprocessor bombs!) 5 Megs DAs that don't respond to the 'fix': Chooser Control Panel Find File (although the 'File' menu is hilited momentarily and a sysBeep takes place). Easy Envelopes+ etc. Just wonderin', Mike. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Hoffhines | INTERNET: michaelh@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu ICS Department | University of Hawaii | Hey, hey, hey. Don't be mean. B. Banzai ---------------------------------------------------------------------------