(Thom Gillespie) (12/27/90)
Hello, Can anyone offer and suggestions on using HyperCard, SuperCard, or FileVision for doing a quick prototype of a geographic information system. The major problem with this system is that is has to be usable by almost novices and may be set up in public. Probably the base map info will come from either existing CD-ROMs or CDs designed for this project. I'm torn between FileVision and either HyperCard or SuperCard. I need the draw capabilities of FileVision and the ability to move layers back and forward but I'd like to have HyperTalk or SuperTalk to extend the FileVision interface with some 'rules'. It's been suggested that some people use Tempo to create macros for FileVision. Any suggestions much appreciated. --Thom Gillespie (Lawson English) (12/29/90)
Thom Gillespie writes in a message to All TG> he draw capabilities of FileVision and the ability to move layers TG> back and forward but I'd like to have HyperTalk or SuperTalk TG> to extend the FileVision interface with some 'rules'. It's been TG> suggested that some people use Temp Several questions: 1) how extensive are the drawing capabilities of FileVision? HyperCard/SuperCard implement a superset lf the MacPaint tools. Do you need more? 2) Do these drawings already exist? Can they be imported easily into HyperCard or FileVision? If the answer is "yes" only once, then you have the answer to your entire question: use the one that works. 3) What do you mean by "layers?" HyperCard and SuperCard have layers also. 4) Who would be doing this project? You or a professional programmer? 5) Do you have a copy of HC2.0? The capablilities of version 2.0 are far beyond 1.2 and you may find that that is all you need right there. Lawson -- Uucp: ...{gatech,ames,rutgers}!ncar!asuvax!stjhmc!300!15.88!Lawson.English Internet: