siegman@sierra.STANFORD.EDU (siegman) (01/03/91)
Suppose I start up from a master copy of the System Tools floppy disk (which has System 6.0.5) and run the Installer to install a new system on my hard disk, which already has a System Folder with a (possibly corrupted) System and Finder in it. 1) Will the newly installed System file retain all the DAs that I'd installed in my old System file? 2) How about the fonts that were in the old System file? 3) Does it matter exactly what the old System Folder is named? (I ask because I've been having a lot of system troubles, getting "Finder is Damaged or Missing" messages, and so on; and at least one time after running the Installer I ended up with two System folders on the HD and a lot of trouble 'til I realized this was the case.) 4) Is there documentation that explains how the Installer works, in any detail? (I find it annoying to have the Installer messing with my system folder without telling me what it's doing or giving me any choices along the way. At the least it ought to generate a log file recording exactly what it did.)