[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Sub and Superscripting with TE

bordier@imag.imag.fr (Jerome Bordier) (01/08/91)

In MacTutor, June 1989, there was a paper by Robert McKenzie about
super/subscripting in Text Edit Manager.
Somebody knows what is new on this subject ?
I mean a tool or method  easier to use or implement.
Jerome BORDIER 	Laboratoire de Structures Discretes et de Didactique
                IMAG B.P. 53 X  38041 GRENOBLE Cedex   FRANCE
TEL: (33) 76 51 45 53  FAX: (33) 76 51 45 55
INTERNET: bordier@imag.Fr       UUCP: bordier@imag (uunet.uu.net!imag!bordier)