[comp.sys.mac.programmer] THINK C bin trees & var params ?'s

chuck@umiami.ir.miami.edu (Chuck Urwiler) (01/11/91)

I'm implementing a binary tree structure in a small program that I am 
writing in THINK C 4.0.2.  Some questions:

1) What do I have to do (specifically) to keep my data structure intact?  
   I have to do something with creating a handle, moving it to a high 
   location in the heap, then locking it, correct?  Someone with experience 
   with this, please e-mail me specifics.  I'm no genius when it comes to 
   pointers yet.

2) I'm trying to use variable parameters in a function that will add nodes 
   to the tree.  I have several trees in this program, so it needs to be 
   variable (I can't work with a globally defined variable) so that I can
   use this function all around.  Has anyone else tried this?  I'm having 
   quite a bit of difficulty getting it to work.  Here's some code:

#define NILP 0L
struct duration { int data;
                  struct duration *lchild,*rchild;
                  int quant;};
struct duration *dur,*top;
{  dur=NILP;
menu() {...     case '1':printf("\nenter value to insert into tree:");
                  insert(dur,&dur,newnum); ... }

int ndata,*add;
struct duration *node;

{  struct duration *temp;
      if (node==NILP)
   {  temp=malloc(sizeof(struct duration));
      if (temp!=0)
      {  temp->lchild=NILP;
         *add = temp;
         puts("Can't allocate more space.");
   else if (ndata < node->data)

I can run this bit of code successfully on the VAX here (where I've been 
developing, for lack of access to a Mac), but when I moved it over to the 
Mac, it gives me "illegal operation" on the line *add=temp;  It doesn't 
seem to like the dereferencing.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please e-mail replies only.

   Chuck Urwiler    University of Miami Music Engineering   Voice & Keys  
chuck@umiami -or @umiamivm  (Bitnet) |"Sometimes, the one thing that you're 
chuck@umiami.ir.miami.edu (Internet) | looking for, it's the last thing on 
chuck@miavax.ir.miami.edu (Internet) |  your mind"    -Robbie Nevil
pannet!curwiler@uunet.uu.net   (PAN) | 
Disclaimer: I only work and learn at this University. I don't speak for it!