[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Window activate events

martin@cs.uchicago.edu (01/18/91)

Suppose I'm in a DA, but FrontWindow belongs to the app.  I do:

    app_window := FrontWindow;
    SelectWindow (da_window);

and leave the DA.  I get a deactivate event for the app_window sent to
the app, followed by an activate event for the da_window sent to the
DA.  At the end of the ActivateEvt handler of the DA, I do:

    SelectWindow (app_window);

I get the deactivate event for the da_window (and when I check global
A64 I see that app_window is marked for activate), but I never get the
activate event sent to the app!  Instead, when I subsequently check
WindowList I find another window (one of the Finder's) is frontmost
and app_window appears to have been sent to outer space.

All of this was to force the deactivate and activate events to the app
from the DA.  Is there a better way to do this, or is there something
about SelectWindow that I just don't understand?

Charles Martin // martin@cs.uchicago.edu