[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Writing a BinHex decoder

niko@iastate.edu (Schuessler Nikolaus E) (01/21/91)

I was trying to write a BinHex decoder (actually I successfully did), but
had a few questions:

  1)  How do you calculate the crc's? I thought a CRC was just a matter
      of adding up all the bytes in the field to be checked, (I let
      the integer wrap around when I added), but the crc is nowhere close
      to what it's supposed to be. The files are decoded just fine, the
      crc's just aren't checked.

  2)  It boggled my mind that the files that are decoded with binhex aren't
      the same (byte for byte) as the original, and yet they still seem to
      run (every version of a BinHexing program seems to have a few different
      bytes).  Is this normal and if so, why?

   I've been working off of an article I found someplace by Yves Lempereur
which has a notice saying "This is not a programmers' reference". Except for
the calculation of the crc's it seems complete.


Niko Schuessler               "On a two semester mission to engineer where
niko@iastate.edu               no-one has engineered before.... :-) "