(Kingson Gunawan) (01/30/91)
I have a problem with Think C malloc and calloc functions. I am writing a progra m that iteratively call several functions. In each of these functions, I alloca te memory space using either malloc or calloc ( I tried both ) and release the s pace using free() function just before I return to the main program from the fun ction. The problem is that after several iteration the program just quit ( the system says " application quit unexpectedly"). When I ran the same program in T hink C debugger I traced the problem coming from the malloc or calloc function. The debugger gave "odd address" error. I know I allocated much more than enoug h memory for this particular program (about 2meg for a program that take only ab out 450k memory including the space for the variables, etc.). Any idea of what type of problem this might be?