[comp.sys.mac.programmer] screen saver source code

john@newave.UUCP (John A. Weeks III) (02/08/91)

In article <91036.191952CXT105@psuvm.psu.edu> CXT105@psuvm.psu.edu (Christopher Tate) writes:
> The screen saver is *not* easily configurable; there is no cdev portion
> or similar device for altering the blanking delay or other parameters.
> The INIT must be recompiled for such changes.

One thing you could do about this is to look for a text file in the
system folder named somethine like "screensaver.config", or what ever
you call yer program.  If it didn't exist, you could use your defaults.
If it did exist, you could look for configuration commands.  To make
it easy, you could define some format that had to be followed, like
line one contains a single integer followed by a return, the integer
corresponds to the blanking delay.  You could define similar lines
for each parameter that one might like to configure.

I would think that you could do this without too much pain, and it might
give you a chance to look like a hero to your users at some point.  I 
personally have never yet been able to choose hard coded parameters that
someone has not wanted to change at some point.


John A. Weeks III               (612) 942-6969               john@newave.mn.org
NeWave Communications                 ...uunet!rosevax!tcnet!wd0gol!newave!john