(Mike Milikich, Allen-Bradley Company) (01/23/91)
I guess the MoreMasters thread isn't dead yet! As part of a data acquisition app in Think C, I set up a list of blocks of memory linked by their handles. Without ever calling MoreMasters (), I link up 100 of these things. I did this on purpose at first to make sure I knew what the MoreMasters () call would do. Obviously, I don't - the things works fine. Why can I get 100 handles with calls to NewHandle () ? If it matters, this is on a IIcx with 8 meg. Mike : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |"Quick to anger, slow to understand; | | allen-bradley company | ignorance and prejudice and fear | | 747 alpha drive | walk hand in hand." | | highland heights, ohio 44143 |--------------------------------------| | (216) 646-3406 FAX : (216) 646-4343 | This is an official disclaimer. | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
stevec@Apple.COM (Steve Christensen) (01/23/91) (Mike Milikich, Allen-Bradley Company) writes: > > I guess the MoreMasters thread isn't dead yet! > > As part of a data acquisition app in Think C, I set up a list of blocks >of memory linked by their handles. Without ever calling MoreMasters (), I link >up 100 of these things. I did this on purpose at first to make sure I knew what >the MoreMasters () call would do. Obviously, I don't - the things works fine. >Why can I get 100 handles with calls to NewHandle () ? If it matters, this is >on a IIcx with 8 meg. You never *have* to call MoreMasters(), but it's provided for more intelligent heap management. If you call NewHandle() and there are no more free master pointers, then MoreMasters will be called to create a new MP block. Being that the MP block is non-relocatable, it will be created as close to the beginning of the heap as possible--which may not be that close if a bunch of other blocks (non-relocatable and/or locked relocatable) already exist. If some of those relocatable blocks are unlocked and move, then the MP block becomes an island in the heap, effectively fragmenting it into two pieces. If you call MoreMasters one or more times when your program first starts up, then the MP blocks will be created very close to the beginning of the heap, reducing the chances of heap fragmentation... steve -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Steve Christensen | Apple Computer, Inc. | Disclaimer: | 20525 Mariani Ave, MS-81CS | the above may be | Cupertino, CA 95014 | a lie...or not. (David Hairston) (01/23/91)
[ (Mike Milikich, Allen-Bradley Company) writes:] [] As part of a data acquisition app in Think C, I set up a list of blocks [] of memory linked by their handles. Without ever calling MoreMasters (), I [] link up 100 of these things. I did this on purpose at first to make sure I [] knew what the MoreMasters () call would do. Obviously, I don't - the thing [] works fine. [] [] Why can I get 100 handles with calls to NewHandle () ? [...] as i understand it, you never _have_ to call MoreMasters() since the memory manager will allocate (if possible) a new block of master pointers as needed. the reason you _want_ to do this is to keep your memory profile optimized (if that's a concern). remember that each newly allocated block is non-relocatable, so if you know in advance what you'll need (plus an extra margin) you can pre-allocate this space and keep it out of the way. -dave- (Eric Wasserman) (02/13/91)
If there aren't enough master pointers around the Memory Manager will call MoreMasters itself as it needs them. The problem is that blocks of master pointers are non-relocatable so if MoreMasters gets called by the Memory Manager deep into your code you'll probably wind up with a nasty non-relocatable block in the middle of your heap. Eric