[comp.sys.mac.programmer] BASIC Programming on the Mac: List of References

siegman@sierra.STANFORD.EDU (siegman) (02/18/91)

The following is a list of books and other references for programming
in BASIC on the Macintosh, collected by Professor A. E. Siegman, E. L.
Ginzton Laboratory MC-4085, Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305.

Comments and additions will be welcomed, and can be emailed to
siegman@sierra.stanford.edu (Internet) or RW.AAP@STANFORD (Bitnet).


There are four versions of BASIC currently available for the Macintosh
(at least that I know of), namely Microsoft QuickBASIC, True BASIC,
ZBasic, and HyperBASIC, although the last of these is not really a
free-standing language but is used only for writing extended functions
and commands for HyperCard in BASIC.

One encouraging event has been the recent appearance of a monthly
magazine devoted to all four of these versions of BASIC, namely:

*** Ross W. Lambert, ed., ``Inside Basic'' (monthly publication from
Ariel Publishing, Inc., P. O. Box 398, Pateros WA 98846, phone
509-923-2249; paper copy, $36.95/year; monthly floppy disk
subscription, $69.95/year).

This magazine, which began with Vol. 1, No. 1 in January 1991, has
columns devoted to all four of the versions of BASIC mentioned above,
as well as more general news notes, shop talk, and advice on software
development, and a monthly floppy disk of programs which can be
ordered separately.  Since I'm a strong proponent of Microsoft
QuickBASIC as a Macintosh programming environment for amateur,
beginning, or even professional programmers, I'm glad to see this
magazine despite its occasional quirks and the editor's sometimes
breezy style.  The first issue contained a novel and slightly
complicated shell or template program for handling system events in
multi-window QuickBASIC programs which was probably worth the entire
subscription to me.  Recommended.

There is also a recent book on QuickBASIC for the Macintosh, the first
book specifically on Macintosh QuickBASIC programming that I've seen,
although there are several books devoted to QuickBASIC on IBM PCs:

*** Michael Halvorson and David Rygmyr, Learn BASIC for the Apple
Macintosh Now (Microsoft Press, 1990, paperbound, $39.95; includes a
floppy disk with a copy of the QuickBASIC Interpreter only).

This book appears to be reasonably good as an elementary introduction
to BASIC programming on the Mac, with lots of examples.  It is,
however, limited to the elementary aspects of QUickBASIC programming
on the Mac, with no discussion of more advanced topics such as using
the PICTURE ON/OFF capabilities, accessing ToolBox routines from
QuickBASIC, or the like.


All of the following texts are dated 1986 or earlier and are focused
on the earlier versions of Microsoft BASIC, which later evolved into
Microsoft QuickBASIC.  They are thus somewhat dated at this point,
although several of them may still be very useful for novice
programmers.  "Microsoft Macinations" by the Waite Group is probably
the book on this list I would recommend most highly.

*** Sharon Zardetto Aker, MacBits: Utilities and Routines for the
BASIC Programmer (Compute! Publications, 1986, paperbound, $16.95).

This slightly specialized but useful book describes some 100
programming tools and utilities written in BASIC which can be used to
simplify writing other programs in MS BASIC 3.0. Includes 18
code-writing utilities to generate BASIC code for making windows,
programming buttons, etc., plus approximately 80 other routines which
can be copied and used in finished programs. The programs are also
available on a Macintosh disk.

*** Sharon Zardetto Aker, Microsoft BASIC Programming for the
Macintosh (Scott, Foresman, 1985).

Probably largely out of date?

*** James S. Coan and Louisa Coan, Basic Microsfot BASIC for the
Macintosh (Hayden Books, 1985).

Also probably now fairly out of date.

*** Philip Calippe, Advanced Macintosh BASIC Programming (Compute
Publications, 1985, paperbound, $16.95).

This is a reference guide useful for programmers already familiar with
elementary BASIC programming. It discusses and gives examples of the
more advanced Macintosh-specific features of Microsoft BASIC,
including especially the Macintosh ROM routines that are available
directly from BASIC. However, it does not cover the many additional
Macintosh toolbox routines that become available by using the MS BASIC
ToolLib. A program diskette is also available.

*** Walter A. Ettlin and Gregory Solberg, The Microsoft BASIC Book
(Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1985, paperbound, $18.95).

This seems to be primarily an elementary introduction to BASIC
programming, with only a very little on the special features of BASIC
on the Macintosh.

*** Larry J. Goldstein, Garry Helzer, and David Schneider, Microsoft
BASIC for the Macintosh (Brady Books/Prentice-Hall, 1986, paperbound).

This is essentially a fat handbook giving an introductory tutorial on
BASIC, and then a detailed description and summary of all the standard
commands in MS BASIC, presented in alphabetical order. Contains little
or nothing on the toolbox routines accessed through the MS BASIC

*** David Kater, Macintosh Graphics and Sound: Programming in
Microsoft BASIC (Osborne McGraw-Hill, 1986, paperbound, $17.95).

One of the many paperbacks giving a simple introductory description of
how to use the graphics and sound capabilities of the Mac from MS
Basic 2.0 This one is OK, but nowhere near as detailed or extensive as
Microsoft Macinations described below.

*** Steve Lambert, Creative Programming in Microsoft BASIC (Microsoft
Press, 1985).

Also now likely to be out of date.

*** Richard C. Vile, Jr., Macintosh Programming Using MS-BASIC 2.0
(TAB Books, 1985, paperbound, $16.95).

This is intended to (and appears to) give a good introduction to the
more sophisticated Macintosh capabilities available through MS BASIC,
for programmers who already know elementary BASIC programming. It
contains numerous helpful hints and demonstration programs, and a
separate program disk is also available. It is primarily limited to
the commands built into BASIC itself however, plus the ROM routines,
and does not cover the additional toolbox capabilities provided by the
MS BASIC ToolLib. It does have an interesting QuickDraw Trainer
program for demonstrating the ROM QuickDraw routines accessible from

*** The Waite Group (M. Waite, R. Lafore, and I. Lansing ), Microsoft
Macinations: An Introduction to Microsoft BASIC for the Apple
Macintosh (Microsoft Press, 1985).

Now partly out of date because of the emergence of QuickBASIC; but
still a clear and fairly detailed coverage of how to use MS Basic and
the Toolbox extensions on the Macintosh. Still recommendedclear
explanations for the beginner, clever illustrations and examples for
the advanced programmer.

*** The Waite Group (M. Waite, D. Putterman, D. Urquhart, and C.
Blanchard), Macintosh Midnight Madness: Utilities, Games and Other
Grand Diversions in Microsoft BASIC for the Apple Macintosh (Microsoft
Press, 1985).

Haven't seen this one.