ralphm@portia.Stanford.EDU (Ralph Melton) (02/19/91)
I'm using Programmer's Key 1.1b4 with thirty-something other inits on a Mac SE/30. Recently, having wandered into great weirdness with a deranged piece of assembly code, I decided that I had munged memory enough to justify a reboot. When I used Programmer's Key's Command-Shift-Power to reboot, however, it dropped me into Macsbug with a "System Error 389." A cursory glance of the preceding code revealed nothing unusual. Since I was trying to reboot anyway, I just gave an "rb" to MacsBug. But I have not been able to find out what System Error 389 is, either from the SysErrTable 3.0 DA, or Inside Mac. Can anyone tell me what System Error 389 means? A completely unrelated question: I'm trying to program a module for After Dark that demonstrates various sorting algorithms graphically. I'm representing the numbers being sorted as colored dots against a black background. I would like to color the dots such that the color of a dot indicates the low few bits of the value that the dot represents. That is, in 1 bit mode, every dot would be white, in two bits, the color of a dot would indicate whether the value of the dot was even or odd, and in 4 bits of color, the color of the dot would indicate [the value of the dot] mod 8. The simplest way I see to do this is to choose a set of eight RGB colors, which I'll refer to as RGB [0..7], such that: In one bit, all the colors map to white. In two bits of color, all the colors RGB[i] map to one non-black color for i odd, and to a different color for i even. In four bits, all RGB[i] map to different non-black colors. How can I do this? Is it even possible to assume that I can find a set of colors that will have these properties on all color Macs? If so, should I just generate a new set of colors at initialization time? Am I being too limiting by not giving the user a way to choose his or her own colors? One last question: Is it inappropriate for me to call Random from within an After Dark module? I realize that, since I don't have globals, if I call Random, I am stepping on the RandSeed global of someone else's A5 world. But RandSeed is supposed to contain a pseudorandom number. If I replace it with a different pseudorandom number, will I give any program problems? Thanks in advance, Ralph Melton -- Ralph Melton The White Rabbit ralphm@portia.stanford.edu "An algorithmic tour de force. Best of all, it seems to work."