[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Debugging stand-alone code with SADE

thomas@duteca (Thomas Okken) (03/16/91)

I am trying to debug standalone code resources. They are compiled/assembled
with '-sym on'. For each of theses code resources, as well as the application
they are loaded and executed from, I have separate .SYM files.
I would have thought you could debug any of these resources by targeting the
application that loads them, using the resource's .SYM file, as in:
Target 'MyApplication' Using 'MyResource.SYM'
But for some reason, this doesn't work. The resource type and ID is not
changed after linking, so the info in the .SYM file should be correct.
I have been successful in getting Jasik's Debugger to debug these resources
with the same .SYM files (you have to change the .SYM file's name to do that,
because The Debugger determines what .SYM files to load automatically, and
otherwise it would not know that that .SYM file is needed when debugging
The above method is suggested in the SADE manual, and does work, for debugging
MPW tools - but these contain CODE resources, and maybe SADE just doesn't like
executable resources if they have a different type. I do recall some Apple
person claiming SADE could debug executable resources, but his instructions
were vague, and I have been unable to find anything on this subject in the
SADE manual.
I am using SADE 1.0, MPW 3.0, System 6.0.5, on a Mac II with 8M.
Please e-mail responses; if I get it to work, I will post a short how-to
guide to the net.

 - Thomas (thomas@duteca.et.tudelft.nl)