[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Timing out an application??

morris@ucunx1.san.uc.edu (Ted Morris) (04/08/91)

We're currently running HyperCard 1.2.5 as a shell, with buttons from a
menu which launch applications, and return control to the 1.2.5 shell
when the applications are File-Quit-ed.  One of the problems we're
having, though, is that users AREN'T File-Quit-ing their terminal
sessions, and the next person approaching the Mac (these are sort of
public access Macs) doesn't know "where" in the scheme of things he is.

Is there anything out there that we could drop into HyperCard or the
System which would watch for activity and, if nothing was done for a
while, would issue a File-Quit for the application.  Hmmm...figuring out
-which- application could be interesting, couldn't it(-: ?

We wouldn't want it to try to quit out of HyperCard, though, because
we're using it as the Finder and have File-Quit disabled (when the
machine is booted, it boots into HyperCard, and stays up with HyperCard
open under MultiFinder until it bombs or we go to an outside utility and
shut it down (or modify the stack script behind the scenes).  As I said,
these are public access Macs, and are meant to be up 24 hours a day.

So, any ideas?  Anything already out there?  Anybody challenged to give
it a try?

Thanks for any/all comments (except flames for locking out user
functions; those can go to /dev/null (-: ).

Theodore Allan Morris, U. Cincinnati, Med Ctr Info & Comm, Info Rsrch
& Dev, 231 Bethesda Av, ML#574, Cinti, OH  45267-0574, 513-558-6046V, 
NTS WB8VNV, AppleLink U1091 | No Good Deed Ever Goes Unpunished.