[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Question for THINK C gurus

rob@cs.mu.oz.au (Robert Wallen) (03/31/91)

I can tell whether a source file is being compiled with MPW or Think-C by
checking the defined(MPW) vs defined(THINK_C) pre-processor directives.

If I am using Think-C, is there some way I can tell which mode of object is
being produced?  i.e.  is there some sort of

#if defined(APPL) || defined(DESKACC) || defined(DRIVER) || defined(RSRC)

that lets me know whats selected in the Project Type window?  Page 442 of the
Think manual would lead me to believe not but I can always hope???

bradk@van-bc.wimsey.bc.ca (Brad Kollmyer) (04/01/91)

In article <3142@murtoa.cs.mu.oz.au> rob@cs.mu.oz.au (Robert Wallen) writes:
>#if defined(APPL) || defined(DESKACC) || defined(DRIVER) || defined(RSRC)

This would be a great feature, but is not available. I've had to resort
to defining a constant in one of my header files. For example I have two
projects TestApp.p, and TestDA.p. I also have folders called (TestApp.p)
and (TestDA.p) in the project tree. In each of these folders I have
a Config.h, one defines DeskAcc, and the other definces Application.
This is the best way I've been able to come up with.

Brad Kollmyer

Jim.Spencer@p510.f22.n282.z1.fidonet.org (Jim Spencer) (04/02/91)

Robert Wallen writes in a message to All

RW> I can tell whether a source file is being compiled with MPW or 
RW> Think-C by checking the defined(MPW) vs defined(THINK_C) pre-processor 
RW> directives. 
RW> If I am using Think-C, is there some way I can tell which mode 
RW> of object is being produced? i.e. is there some sort of 
RW> #if defined(APPL)  defined(DESKACC)  defined(DRIVER)  defined(RSRC) 
RW> #endif 
RW> that lets me know whats selected in the Project Type window? 
RW> Page 442 of the Think manual would lead me to believe not but 
RW> I can always hope??? 

No big deal, just manually define the type of code you are producing.

gurgle@well.sf.ca.us (Pete Gontier) (04/02/91)

In article <3142@murtoa.cs.mu.oz.au> rob@cs.mu.oz.au (Robert Wallen) writes:
>If I am using Think-C, is there some way I can tell which mode of object is
>being produced?  i.e.  is there some sort of
>#if defined(APPL) || defined(DESKACC) || defined(DRIVER) || defined(RSRC)
>that lets me know whats selected in the Project Type window?  Page 442 of the
>Think manual would lead me to believe not but I can always hope???

As far as I know, the answer is no.

However, there is hope. You can use the pre-processor to force yourself
to define a symbol for the project type. Here's what I use:

#define   __STAND_ALONE__   /* project type */
#if   defined   __APPLICATION__
#     define    __GRR__             A5
#elif defined   __DRIVER__
#     define    __GRR__             A4
#elif defined   __STAND_ALONE__
#     define    __GRR__             A4
      You need to define *ONE* of the above project types.

The last line there forces a compiler error. If you ever get it,
the message explains why.
 Pete Gontier, gurgle@well.sf.ca.us
 Software Imagineer, Kiwi Software, Inc.

lim@iris.ucdavis.edu (Lloyd Lim) (04/04/91)

In article <3142@murtoa.cs.mu.oz.au> rob@cs.mu.oz.au (Robert Wallen) writes:
>If I am using Think-C, is there some way I can tell which mode of object is
>being produced?  i.e.  is there some sort of
>#if defined(APPL) || defined(DESKACC) || defined(DRIVER) || defined(RSRC)

This doesn't answer your question but it's related and may come in useful some
day.  Sometimes it's useful to know when you are running from a project or a
built application.  If Count1Resources('CODE') is 0, then you're running from
a project.  I need to know this because my apps checksum themselves after
they are first built and then check themselves at subsequent startups for
viruses.  Obviously, I don't want this to happen when it's a project.

Lloyd Lim     Internet: lim@iris.eecs.ucdavis.edu
              America Online: LimUnltd
              Compuserve: 72647,660
              US Mail: 215 Lysle Leach Hall, U.C. Davis, Davis, CA 95616

d88-jwa@byse.nada.kth.se (Jon W{tte) (04/04/91)

In article <8695@ucdavis.ucdavis.edu> lim@iris.ucdavis.edu (Lloyd Lim) writes:

   day.  Sometimes it's useful to know when you are running from a project
   or a built application.  If Count1Resources('CODE') is 0, then you're
   running from a project.  I need to know this because my apps checksum
   themselves after they are first built and then check themselves at
   subsequent startups for viruses.  Obviously, I don't want this to happen
   when it's a project.

So, of course, the virus just patches _Count1Resources to return 0 for
CODE (and no, you can't check if it's patched, since there may be
legitimate patches to it too...)

							Jon W{tte
"The IM-IV file manager chapter documents zillions of calls, all of which
seem to do almost the same thing and none of which seem to do what I want
them to do."  --  Juri Munkki in comp.sys.mac.programmer

Lawson.English@p88.f15.n300.z1.fidonet.org (Lawson English) (04/08/91)

Jon W{tte writes in a message to All

JW> So, of course, the virus just patches _Count1Resources to return 
JW> 0 for CODE (and no, you can't check if it's patched, since there 
JW> may be legitimate patches to it too...) 
JW>  h+@nada.kth.se  Jon W{tte

That's a mighty intellegent virus: it allows for the existance of viral checking
code in individual programs as well as virus checkers and whatever alchemy Apple
does with  memory address #4, etc.


Uucp: ...{gatech,ames,rutgers}!ncar!asuvax!stjhmc!300!15.88!Lawson.English
Internet: Lawson.English@p88.f15.n300.z1.fidonet.org

lim@iris.ucdavis.edu (Lloyd Lim) (04/09/91)

In article <D88-JWA.91Apr4102003@byse.nada.kth.se> d88-jwa@byse.nada.kth.se (Jon W{tte) writes:
>In article <8695@ucdavis.ucdavis.edu> lim@iris.ucdavis.edu (Lloyd Lim) writes:
>   day.  Sometimes it's useful to know when you are running from a project
>   or a built application.  If Count1Resources('CODE') is 0, then you're
>   running from a project.  I need to know this because my apps checksum
>   themselves after they are first built and then check themselves at
>   subsequent startups for viruses.  Obviously, I don't want this to happen
>   when it's a project.
>So, of course, the virus just patches _Count1Resources to return 0 for
>CODE (and no, you can't check if it's patched, since there may be
>legitimate patches to it too...)

True, there are other easier ways too - but only if you know MY virus
checking scheme.  The strength of such schemes lies not in some standard
but in all of different ways programmers implement their own virus
checking schemes.  There are a couple very simple ways I could make the
above mentioned patch useless (and no I won't even check if it's patched
or patch anything else), but...  I won't tell you what they are.  :-)

I was not proposing that you adopt my method - it was only an example
of checking whether you are running from a project.  Since we're on the
subject, I do suggest that each programmer implement their own minimal
detection scheme even if it is simple.

Lloyd Lim     Internet: lim@iris.eecs.ucdavis.edu
              America Online: LimUnltd
              Compuserve: 72647,660
              US Mail: 215 Lysle Leach Hall, U.C. Davis, Davis, CA 95616