[comp.sys.mac.programmer] inserting hierarchicals at MenuSelect time

gurgle@well.sf.ca.us (Pete Gontier) (04/10/91)

Doing some tricks under System 7 with the Menu Manager. Namely, I'm adding a
menu to the menu bar at MenuSelect time. Everything works dandy but for one
I've been having intermittent problems with some hierarchical menus I am hanging
off this added menu. Occaisionally, they simply don't appear. No triangle at the
right end, no menu appearing. It's as if the Menu Manager pretends I never told
it what to do. Some C-like pseudo-code:
	SetItemMark ( mh, 1, 'x' );
	SetItemCmd  ( mh, 1, 0x1B );
	if ( GetItemMark ( mh, 1 ) != 'x' )  Debugger ( );
	if ( GetItemCmd  ( mh, 1 ) != 0x1B ) Debugger ( );
Occaisionally, the hierarchicals will fail to appear. When they do, this code
drops into the debugger.
Should I bother DTS with this one or am I doing something stupid?
 Pete Gontier, gurgle@well.sf.ca.us
 Software Imagineer, Kiwi Software, Inc.