[comp.sys.mac.programmer] TCL and the Font menu...

bitting-douglas@cs.yale.edu (Douglas Bitting) (04/11/91)

I have been noticing some strange behavior in my Font menu using TCL.  In
short, I have not touched the code for dealing with menus (yet), but when I
compile my program, the Font menu is a little screwy.  It displays 'Size' (with
a hierarchical menu coming off of it), then a dividing line (which is dimmed
out), and then the font names.  The odd thing about it is that the first font
name is always dimmed out.  I tried to find what would be causing this, but
obviously I couldn't, or I wouldn't be posting... :-)  SetDimOption is set to
dimNONE which is what makes it particularly odd.  Any ideas?

Doug Bitting             | "And we know that in all things God works
PO Box 3043 Yale Station |  for the good of those who love him..."
New Haven, CT 06520      |                       --Romans 8:28
bitting@cs.yale.edu      +------------------------------------------