[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Assembly Level File Accessing... Anyone?

stevec@Apple.COM (Steve Christensen) (04/16/91)

BRBOYER%MTUS5.BITNET (Bradley R. Boyer) writes:
>   I have been developing with Consulair Assembly language.  I just recently
>ran into a brief snag that I hope that someone can help me with.  I am using
>_GetVol to retrieve the vRefNum of my current volume.  I am bot quite sure
>what I am getting back, but it is not a valid refnum as far as the file
>managers _Read is concerned.

I think you're confusing file refNums and volume refNums.  GetVol will return
a working directory reference number or a volume reference number, depending
on what the last call to SetVol did.  To read from a file, you'd need to do
the following setup (assuming a stack frame pointed to by A6):

	LEA	pb(A6),A0		; point to the parameter block
	_HGetVol			; get the current vRefNum (or WDRefNum)
	BNE	Error			; -> no default volume

;  ioVRefNum(A0) now contains a vRefNum or WDRefNum

	LEA	filename,A1		; point to the filename whereever it is
	MOVE.L	A1,ioNamePtr(A0)
	MOVE.B	#fsCurPerm,ioPermssn(A0); access permission
	CLR.L	ioMisc(A0)		; let FS allocate file access buffer
	CLR.L	ioDirID(A0)		; just use the vRefNum
	_HOpen				; try to open the file
	BNE	Error			; -> couldn't do it

;  ioRefNum(A0) now contains the file's refNum

	LEA	buffer,A1		; point to the read buffer
	MOVE.L	A1,ioBuffer(A0)
	MOVE.L	#byteCount,ioReqCount(A0) ; how many bytes to read
	MOVE.W	#fsFromStart,ioPosMode(A0); start reading from the beginning
	MOVE.L	#offset,ioPosOffset(A0)	; this many bytes from the beginning
	_Read				; read some bytes
	BNE	Error

That's all there is to it...


  Steve Christensen			Never hit a man with glasses.
  stevec@apple.com			Hit him with a baseball bat.