jwinterm@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Jim Wintermyre) (04/16/91)
Hello, everyone. Thanks to the help of Brad Lowe, I've figured out the problem I was having with scrolling a TextEdit record in a cdev. The problem is described in my previous posting. Since I think that this might be useful to other people on the net, I thought I would post how I solved it. First of all, I guess the Control Panel does handles controls in the main cdev DITL by itself, so if you have a scroll bar, your action procedure only gets called when you let go of the mouse, because the Control Panel doesn't return the hitDev message until that time. So what I did was create a user item with the same rect as the scroll bar, and with a LOWER item number. That way, when you click anywhere on the scroll bar, the Control Panel returns immediately with the hitDev message, and the user item in itemHit. From there, you can just act as if the click had been in the scroll bar, and everything should work fine. I think I changed about 2 lines in my code, and it solved all of the problems I was having before. Hope this is useful to some of you! Jim Wintermyre jwinterm@jarthur.claremont.edu