[net.micro] Proposing Tandy/RS group...

wolf@garfield.UUCP (Wolfgang Thomeier) (12/07/83)

   I would like to propose a new subgroup of net.micro which
would handle all discussions relevant to Tandy/Radio Shack
hardware/software products. This would eliminate the problem of
posting such stuff to multitudes of other groups, thereby decreasing
clutter there and increasing the convenience to those who are 
interested in the subject.

As I recall, the Model X's *DO* have a significant proportion of
the micro market, even if some may not wish to admit this.
(or is this outdated, will somebody please clear me up on that???)

My prime candidates for the name of such a group are net.micro.trs{80,},
net.micro.tandy, or net.micro.rs, (in that order) but this list is of
course open to suggestions from any net-landers out there.

How do you feel out there on trsvax? (or anyone for that matter?)
Please post to net.news.group or mail to me at below address.

		Wolfgang ('All micros are created equal...') Thomeier
		{allegra, ihnp4, utcsrgv}!garfield!wolf

abc%brl-bmd@sri-unix.UUCP (12/11/83)

From:      A B Cooper III <abc@brl-bmd>

I'm in favor of such a group. There's an info-trs80 on Arpanet/
Milnet at present and the two should be 'gateway-ed' together.


johnc@dartvax.UUCP (John Cabell) (12/12/83)

  I think the idea of a net.micro.trs is a good idea.  Any
other voters out there?
   From the Ever-Questioning Mind of
     (And the Owner of A TRS-80)

res@ihuxn.UUCP (12/13/83)

As a TRS-80 Model II owner, I would also like to see a TRS group on the
					Rich Strebendt

stephen@alberta (12/15/83)

I also like the Idea of a net.micro.trs...