[comp.sys.mac.programmer] 'snd ' plays too fast occasionally?

2fmlcalls@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu (04/23/91)

When playing two 'snd 's simultaneously with the new 6.07 Sound Manager (and
System 7), occasionally I'll get a spurt where one of the channels plays VERY
fast like a record at the wrong speed.  This soundChannel I'm using is being
passed bufferCmds with a Pointer to the sound data (extracted from the 'snd '). 

I pass bufferCmds, flushCmds, and callBackCmds.  Is there any known bugs (or
bad coding) that would lead perhaps to a false rate command dropiing into the

My other sound channel doesn't ever seem to present this problem.  I call
SoundPlay for this one and play smaller 'snd 's in a more "traditional" manner. 
(Which reminds - the buggy channel is playing larger music pieces for a
continuous background music effect).

Sound channel too small?  Pointers moving?  I can't figure.  If anyone has
encountered this and nailed the problem down, I would really appreciate the

john calhoun---