BRBOYER@MTUS5.CTS.MTU.EDU (Rucell) (05/06/91)
I have been working quite a bit lately in assembly language. I have quite a bit of luck with almost all the things that I have been planning on doing. I do, however, have a question that I hope that someone has the answer to. How do I refresh graphics in Dialog Windows? Since the Dialog Manager clears the event from the event queue, I never get the refresh event. Should I include it in a grafport drawing proc? Thanks for the help... Brad, Bradley R. Boyer ##### # # ### # # # # # BRBOYER%MTUS5.BITNET |"How could it have | # # ### ##### | been me? I wasn't| # # # # # Phi Kappa Theta - Michigan Chi Rho | even there!" | ##### # # ### Michigan Technological University ------ Posted using NetFeed, THE Macintosh <====> UseNet Interface Program ----