[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Lowly programmers vs. 7.0

sho@gibbs.physics.purdue.edu (Sho Kuwamoto) (05/03/91)

Not all of us programmers can afford to become certified developers,
or whatever they're calling it these days.  I was wondering if system
7.0 docs will become available to the general public (thru APDA, say)
on May 13 or soon after.  I'd also like to know about the likelihood
of a paperback IM VI.  Not all of us can afford CD-ROM either.


REEKES@applelink.apple.com (Jim Reekes) (05/04/91)

In article <5030@dirac.physics.purdue.edu>, sho@gibbs.physics.purdue.edu (Sho Kuwamoto) writes:
> Not all of us programmers can afford to become certified developers,
> or whatever they're calling it these days.  I was wondering if system
> 7.0 docs will become available to the general public (thru APDA, say)
> on May 13 or soon after.  I'd also like to know about the likelihood
> of a paperback IM VI.  Not all of us can afford CD-ROM either.

Yes, it will be available just like any other volume of Inside Mac.
APDA will probably be the first place it shows up, in a printed version.

I think the current cost of becoming a developer is $350, which gives you
just about everything except direct support from MacDTS.  The full blown
package is $600.


wysocki@husc9.harvard.edu (Christopher Wysocki) (05/04/91)

In article <5030@dirac.physics.purdue.edu> sho@gibbs.physics.purdue.edu (Sho Kuwamoto) writes:

>Not all of us programmers can afford to become certified developers,
>or whatever they're calling it these days.  I was wondering if system
>7.0 docs will become available to the general public (thru APDA, say)
>on May 13 or soon after.  I'd also like to know about the likelihood
>of a paperback IM VI.  Not all of us can afford CD-ROM either.

Well, I picked up a paperback copy of Inside Macintosh Volume VI yesterday
at a local bookstore for $39.95, which isn't too bad for a book that's almost
two and a half inches thick....

Chris Wysocki

darth@athena.mit.edu (Darren T Garnier) (05/06/91)

Well, I got my copy of IM VI yesterday.  I love it!  I already started
writing some code.  Now if only I could compile it.  Does anyone
know how soon the newest version of THINK C will become available?

                        Darren Garnier                
darth@athena.mit.edu                     | Some rise, some fall,
garnier@alcvax.pfc.mit.edu               | some try to get to Terrapin.

drenze@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (Douglas Renze) (05/06/91)

In article <1991May6.004214.7939@athena.mit.edu> darth@athena.mit.edu (Darren T Garnier) writes:
>Well, I got my copy of IM VI yesterday.  I love it!  I already started
>writing some code.  Now if only I could compile it.  Does anyone
>know how soon the newest version of THINK C will become available?

Don't quote me on this 'cause I'm in no way affiliated with Symantec, but I've
heard through the grapevine that THINK C 5.0 should be available around the end
of July.

Anybody in the know from Symantec care to correct me please?

Douglas J Renze                      internet:  drenze@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu
                                       delphi:  drenze

jtn@potomac.ads.com (John T. Nelson) (05/06/91)

>Well, I picked up a paperback copy of Inside Macintosh Volume VI yesterday
>at a local bookstore for $39.95, which isn't too bad for a book that's almost
>two and a half inches thick....

Hmmm .. another questions springs to mind.  I hear that there's going
to be an Inside Mac version II which is a cleaned up version of all
the Inside Mac volumes.  Any idea whether or not this is true and if
it is true when will this new set be available?

slang@bmerh563.bnr.ca (Steven Langlois) (05/06/91)

In article <1991May3.165350.828@husc3.harvard.edu> wysocki@husc9.harvard.edu (Christopher Wysocki) writes:
>Well, I picked up a paperback copy of Inside Macintosh Volume VI yesterday
>at a local bookstore for $39.95, which isn't too bad for a book that's almost
>two and a half inches thick....

Could you post the ISBN number of Inside Mac VI so that I, and probably many others, can
have it ordered by my local bookstore.


Steven Langlois
ISDN Basic Rate Access
BNR, a subsidiary of Northern Telecom

Bitnet: slang@bnr.ca
Bitnet from AppleLink:  slang@bnr.ca@DASNET#                                    

wysocki@husc9.harvard.edu (Christopher Wysocki) (05/07/91)

In article <1991May6.151936.13632@bmers95.bnr.ca> slang@bmerh563.bnr.ca (Steven Langlois) writes:

>Could you post the ISBN number of Inside Mac VI so that I, and probably many 
>others, can have it ordered by my local bookstore.

Inside Macintosh, Volume VI, paperback edition is ISBN 0-201-57755-0.

Hope this helps!

Chris Wysocki

peirce@outpost.UUCP (Michael Peirce) (05/07/91)

In article <1991May6.141751.25444@potomac.ads.com> you write:
> >Well, I picked up a paperback copy of Inside Macintosh Volume VI yesterday
> >at a local bookstore for $39.95, which isn't too bad for a book that's almost
> >two and a half inches thick....
> Hmmm .. another questions springs to mind.  I hear that there's going
> to be an Inside Mac version II which is a cleaned up version of all
> the Inside Mac volumes.  Any idea whether or not this is true and if
> it is true when will this new set be available?

Someday.  I attended a focus group that a market reseearch firm did for 
Apple to see what a random collection of 12 programmers thought of IM.  
I assume there where other groups too.

Most of what I could figure out they where planning was a nice improvement
over the current manuals.

I have no idea when it might come out though

-- michaels

--  Michael Peirce         --   outpost!peirce@claris.com
--  Peirce Software        --   Suite 301, 719 Hibiscus Place
--  Macintosh Programming  --   San Jose, California 95117
--           & Consulting  --   (408) 244-6554, AppleLink: PEIRCE