[comp.sys.mac.programmer] MoveControl Problems # 2

dedreb@arco.com (Richard Beecher) (05/08/91)

I have yet to receive any replies to my MoveControl... post, so I am reposting
to the world.  Sorry for the length of this article.  Anyway, here is my
original article:

>I am trying to implement a Page PreviewI feature in my program using a dialog
>window that expands to full size of the user's main screen.  Because the
>size varies, I need to reposition the control buttons before I make the dialog
>Here's what happens...the dialog box and the controls appear on the screen,
>everything LOOKS great.  However, the dialog doesn't seem to recognize mouse
>clicks in any of the control buttons.  If I don't move the controls, it works
>like a charm.  Also, locking down the button ControlHandles doesn't fix the
>problem.  I have also tried HideControl, MoveControl, then ShowControl without
>any luck.  Actually, I have tried a lot of things (including talking to the
>monitor...even that doesn't seem to help!).
>What am I doing wrong here?  I realize I could just create the controls (and
>the dialog window itself) myself without using DLOG resources, but I'd rather
>not.  Here's some abbreviated code...
>/****************** DoPreview ********************/
>void DoPreview()
>   DialogPtr      dialog;
>   ControlHandle  printCntl, cancelCntl;
>   .
>   etc.
>   .
>   GetPort( &curPort );
>   /* Create the page preview dialog window */
>   dialog = GetNewDialog( PREVIEW_DLOG_ID, (Ptr) 0, (WindowPtr) -1 );
>   wh = screenBits.bounds.right - screenBits.bounds.left;
>   menuHeight = GetMBarHeight();
>   wv = screenBits.bounds.bottom - screenBits.bounds.top - menuHeight;
>   SizeWindow( dialog, wh, wv, NORMAL_UPDATES );
>   MoveWindow( dialog, 0, menuHeight, FALSE );
>   /* Position the control buttons on the preview page */
>   /* Leave "margin" pixels between the controls and the page bottom */
>   GetDItem( dialog, PREV_PRINT_ITEM, &itemType, &printCntl, &itemRect );
>   GetDItem( dialog, PREV_CANCEL_ITEM, &itemType, &cancelCntl, &itemRect );
>   ...calculate button locations based on the size of the screen...
>   MoveControl( cancelCntl, h, v );
>   MoveControl( printCntl, h+h1+margin, v );
>   finished = FALSE;
>   do
>   {
>      ModalDialog( NULL, &itemNo );
>      switch( itemNo )
>      {
>         yeah, right, do whatever
>      }
>   } while ( !finished );
>   DisposDialog( dialog );
>   SetPort( curPort );
>Any ideas?  Is so, please reply via the net or email to dedreb@arco.com. 
>Thanks in advance.
>     Richard Beecher:  dedreb@arco.com