[net.micro] H/Z100 Newsletter Issue 1



H/Z-100 Newsletter                                      Volume 1 Issue 1
                                                            January 1984

                  All the world's an analog stage,
              and digital circuits play only bit parts.


This is the first issue of the H/Z-100 Newsletter, an edited compilation
from a variety of random sources.  With the Zenith Z-100  being made the
Air Force / Navy Standard Microcomputer System under  AFCAC Project 229,
the generous offer of the GSA  prices to  all DoD employees through GEA,
and Clarkson's 800+ entering freshman class having one per student,  the
need to unify the H/Z-100 community has arisen.    This is my attempt to
do so.   I am David Michael Gubbins (College nickname - Gern), a May '83
graduate of  Clarkson College in  Electrical & Computer Engineering.   I
bought the standard single drive 192K Clarkson Issue Machine  & Software
through the deal extended to upperclassmen.    A small part of my job at
RADC concerns the evaluations of the Z-100, and I attended the Air Force
Small Computer Conference in  Montgomery, Alabama  (25-27 OCT 83)  where
I once again had all my  questions  answered  by  Mr. Donald Moffet (the
President of Zenith Data Systems) and his technical and marketing staff.

If there is  enough support and  resources,   I would like to  start and
maintain an  INFO-HZ100 Digest, a rival to INFO-IBMPC Digest.     Useful
knowledge and items generated from  the digests and  other sources would
be periodically edited into a  Newletter (such as this)  and distributed
to both network and non-network interested  groups (ie. Clarkson College
of Technology Zenith Users Group (CCTZUG), etc...).

Several items used in this newsletter have been  extracted from CCTZUG's
first two newsletters, of which I was Editor.

Any comments,  suggestions,  help,  knowledge,  software,  ideas, etc...
would be greatly appreciated.   Thanks.


     There is a warning on page 4  of older versions of the  low profile
Z-100 Unpacking Instructions  which states that during use, not to place
the monitor on top of the computer. This is in error and can be ignored.
Prototype machines did  not have disk drive shields,  hence the warning.
Production machines are shielded and the monitor can be safely placed on
the top  of the machine.    Note that the monitor's fly-back transformer
in both the all-in-one and low-profile models,  throws a slight electro-
magnetic field to the left.    Do not keep disks to the left of a turned
on monitor.    This is true for almost all monitors and television sets.

     Do NOT close the disk drive doors when the Z-100 is not being used.
This will cause the two ceramic read/write heads  to hit  together.   Be
sure to  insert the cardboard shipment disks  and close the  drive doors
when moving or transporting the computer.

     Substantial wear will  occur to disks if being accessed continually
for an extended period of time (several hours).   Dual disk users should
note that both  disks spin even if  only one disk is accessed.   If only
one disk is being used to collect real-time  data for more that an hour,
open the unused drive's door to prevent the  heads from wearing down the
disk tracks.


     The Z-100 optimizes the scrolling speed of the screen when color is
not being used in  the system.    The computer must be told when Z-BASIC
will be  working with color on the screen so that it  can use the proper
scrolling method.  Otherwise, the optimized screen scrolling action will
cause  the color in the display to be  lost under certain circumstances.
To make sure that  your programs are going to  operate correctly,  place
the following line of code near the beginning of each affected program:



Notes on BASIC FOR/NEXT loops - Be careful of reusing loop counters:

10  FOR Y...                 Remember:   Restarting a loop
20    FOR X...                  kills all loops inside the
30    NEXT X                    non-completed loop.
40  IF Condition THEN 60
50  NEXT Y                   <= If Condition is met, Y loop
                                will not be completed.
60  FOR X...
70    FOR Y...               <= Thinks old Y is restarted
80    NEXT Y                    (Killing old inside loops -
90  NEXT X                      X)  Hence only active loop
                                defined is Y.
NEXT without FOR Error in 90


Systems Engineering Postulate:  The quality of the design and components
is proportional to  the size and weight of the  power supply.   Think of
this whenever  you become  annoyed by  the whirr of the  Z-100's cooling
fan.    The IBM-PC/XT's  fan is much worse,   and the power supplies are
by  far inferior to  that of the Z-100 - Zenith should know,  they built
them that way.   Zenith is one of the  two suppliers of power supply/fan
units for the IBM machines.


My computer went down yesterday, so I simulated it with a piece of paper
and pencil.


The following .ASM  file is a dumb terminal  program for  those who want
to get up quick at minimum (ie zero) cost.   Assemble, link, and convert
it to a .COM file for use under Z-DOS.

        TITLE STERM" - Simple terminal program
        Page    ,132


        ORG     100H

        MOV     AH,CHR_STATUS
        MOV     AL,CHR_SFGS
        CALL    BIOS_AUXFUNC    ; check status of auxin
        AND     AH,CHRS_RXR     ; and see if char ready
        JZ      SHORT XMIT      ; go check keyboard if nothing coming in
        CALL    BIOS_AUXIN      ; else get character
        CALL    BIOS_CONOUT     ; and put it on screen
        MOV     AH,CHR_STATUS
        MOV     AL,CHR_SFGS
        CALL    BIOS_CONFUNC    ; go check status of keyboard
        AND     AH,CHRS_RXR     ; check for char ready from keboard
        JZ      RECE            ; loop if no key ready
        CALL    BIOS_CONIN      ; else go get char from keyboard
        CALL    BIOS_AUXOUT     ; and transmit char
        JMP     SHORT RECE

        END    RECE

From: harpo!floyd!vax135!cornell!uw-beaver!ssc-vax!bruce@ucb-vax


A look at the Zenith model numbering system:

Each model  number lets you see at a glance the machine's main features.
The model number is broken down into PREFIX-BODY-SUFFIX as follows:

Prefix First Letter (Model) -         Z = Zenith
                                      H = Heath
Prefix Second Letter (Disk Drives) -  F = 48 TPI Double-Sided
                                      X = Customer OEM System
                                      H = 96 TPI Double-Sided
                                      W = Winchester
                                      E = 48 TPI Single-Sided
Prefix Third Letter (CRT) -           No Letter = Green
                                      W = White
                                      A = Amber
                                      C = Color

Body Number -                         100 = Low Profile Monocolor Video
                                      110 = Low Profile Color Video
                                      120 = All-In-One Monocolor Video
                                      130 = All-In-One Color Video

Suffix First Number -                 Number Of 64K Banks Of User RAM
Suffix Second Number -                Number Of Disk Drives

So,  if the model number is ZF-120-22,  it means a  Zenith  wired model,
with two 48 TPI disk drives,   a white CRT,  all-in-one with  monochrome
video, and two banks of 64KByte user RAM (128KByte).


##### END #####
