(Juri Munkki) (05/18/91)
I'm one of the lucky ones who didn't even have to fight with ftp to get System 7.0. I just installed it from a CD-ROM. Most of the work is now done, and I'm mostly pleased. There are still a few gripes that I want to point out. - There seems to be no way to replace Monaco 9. Even though I added it to the ROM override list, it doesn't appear in a suitcase file when I open one. I want a font where I 0 and O are different. I might start using Courier. - The system folder is still cluttered with preference files. A new poor man's search path would have solved the problem. At least my program doesn't find its preferences with OpenResFile. - Even though Suitcase II 1.2.9 says that it works with System 7.0, it really doesn't. At least the Suitcases display didn't work. - You still have to reserve the printer port to have AppleTalk on. How about creating a null network for those users who need the AppleTalk services, but do not want to waste a serial port. - The installer leaves old ROM override resources in place, if you do a partial install. This is potentially harmful. - I haven't studied all the ways that I have for customizing the Finder, but I have a few problems: cmd-shift-E doesn't eject-unmount a disk any more. It used to work. Waiting for a file name to become editable is irritating. The old way was better for experienced users. The finder thinks that one of my old MacWrite files is an alias. It says the problem is fixed, but the problem persists. If you copy files and switch out of Finder, you can open desk accessories and Apple menu items, but the actions only happen after the copy has been completed. I haven't reproduced this problem, but on one folder, the small icons view kept getting compressed. Every time I opened the folder, the icons inside were vertically closer than the previous time. They all ended up on top of each other in one horizontal line. ---- Enough complaining, now for something more useful (and for the reason that I posted to comp.sys.mac.programmer). Instead of putting preferences files in the preferences folder, I set their invisible bits. I used to do this with DiskTop, but my version doesn't seem to work any more (yes, it's a legal copy, but old). I can do it with ResEdit, but it's too slow. I was intrigued by the way that you can drop stuff into ResEdit, so I wrote a short application that hides any files that you drop into it. Take it just as a weird hack, I haven't tested this thing properly. In Think C, the thing looks like: /* >> Obfuscator.c This program hides all the files that are given to it. >> >> Copyright 1991, Juri Munkki >> Feel free to use the code in your programs. */ void ReadFinderStuff() { int message,count,i; AppFile thefile; FileParam block; CountAppFiles(&message,&count); if(message==1) { return; } else { for(i=1;i<=count;i++) { GetAppFiles(i,&thefile); block.ioCompletion=0; block.ioNamePtr=thefile.fName; block.ioVRefNum=thefile.vRefNum; block.ioFVersNum=thefile.versNum; block.ioFDirIndex=0; PBGetFInfo(&block,0); block.ioFlFndrInfo.fdFlags |= fInvisible; PBSetFInfo(&block,0); } } } void main() { InitGraf(&thePort); InitCursor(); ReadFinderStuff(); } Of course, you can't get the files back with the same program, but that's a minor problem... Here's the binhex: (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0) :"%&hBAN!39"36%&A39NJ!!!!!!!!!!H+KfN!!!!!!3!!!!Ca!!!&F3!!!4N4*$r `&#NZ+'B,)bmM!64U%@B@!5Fc%5TQ!`XM0#8M0!4"Gf&jJ!)!!!""8&"-39G"@5% !!*`!`!!!!!!,[!!!!!""8&"-39G"@5%!!*`!`!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+4 D35!!!!!!!!!(LLS5CLFS)Li&,LFPCJSMCK)c*a)SD!!!#@N4,c)ZCLiM+MCQ)$3 T+fB#+4%SCJ)++6-`-!)0*c`c-!8"0#-KCK!R-b%Z-c!'$#-J)'B,,bSU)c4UMJ- d*bJP,c8b"$)R+#3R*5jUm!%T)bm$&6B[)b%M,c-$)QB#*c3[0J)()LSM%M3!!!! #!!!!!!!#!-`!!!!!!!!"*J"3!!%LAa!I)&pQ"+!-B!+N$$k!6Y%LAa!I)&pQ"+! 0B!+N$6k!6Y%LE`!%3P%JH!VXS#9+J'm1)&!LE`!)-TJLE`!%-T!!)&p36dl351F !-#*[!!a#U3!#)(J+l+!P5S"[*L439%Sb,`!3XPTZ'P0"E4BJ5R!#d#J!#!*!rrj 3306!S#j63@$S60m-!#"IA%p1d%j@rU*)E[rq5'lrr%kkriJ-EJ!"rrjR!!"LF!% p32rkB%ir,[rk5'lqmNkkrij#V[kZ3HlqqLe)rV3pE[lbrVJGE[ljrVa#E[kq3QG )E[kL3QG1Z[mH-"m)lJ!'rXT#CdKZrU*#Cdkkra``(e*ZrrS`,[rkX'lrr'qS6Pj 1G9*&384'58j%5'hrr+KZU&"1Z[p`6R8!!!)Z!!!!#J!!!(*#H!T+RFj1ZJ!N3QG )H3!!rrp)E`!%5&Fr2!!")MVrhNke%!!JE3"X6T!!UI4CMbmm@N956d*RUD!N9eQ 2,ca%394"3QHTS#"A)&!LH!N)*&*J$M,BCJSb'Q!#3KP4bIrmZmPQlUQMUD0CMbm m4&*&6%*RUD!J9k!P)&$L3#30B!Bb'0@e%!"4b2riUD01G5"I-KJd',"B9mRrqNT #Crj1m#$m)&mb'$3BX*KAbIrk5N*RrNl`)2SJAc)B0"L`3Qi+N!""E3E33%(`!!) `%'Iq6[!!!#![!!3[33!%)Lm!##pI!!4)jc`!*!!Q!8K#a--S!#S"5%A)aG4%5%* #3X$"d)*-h`!m)Kp1G5![!!3[33!%)Lm!##pI!!4)jc%!6VS!R%cI!)`L(dje)#m !"#p"!!3L,`!),em!"%MR-3"1ZJ"m)!&-h`#-)Kp1G5![!!3[33!%)Lm!##pI!!4 )jc%!6VS!,%cI!)`L(dje)#m!"#p"!!3L,`!),em!"%MR-3"1ZJ!-)!&-h`#-)Kp 1G8U!DKa+J@S-4)"%J8kk!#"%J8je4)"1ZJ!@4)"%J8je5S&U#N5"6VS!"N5!6R8 Z2!!!rrqbJ'-')J"`!%jeX)GL$)$"5%!b!%*!5%"1GE+(BKSZ!%*!5%#!`8K!5%F q!%K(MX%`"dK(-JG1G53!*J(LL1+*XSGLq)$"`)Fb!m,!,J0)4ml!5%I5Kf8)NS* L"%5"6R963'$N6R8!!!"S!!!!H!!!!-i!!!"B!!!!)!!%2c`!!DR`!*)r2!!"UI! !TMmm!!'Tm!#k2c`!!DR`!0Br2!!"UI!"$$mm!!'Tm!%X2c`!!DR`!8ir2!!"UI! 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I just installed it from a CD-ROM. >Most of the work is now done, and I'm mostly pleased. There are still a >few gripes that I want to point out. > - There seems to be no way to replace Monaco 9. Even though I added > it to the ROM override list, it doesn't appear in a suitcase file > when I open one. I want a font where I 0 and O are different. I > might start using Courier. This is the easiest thing about System 7! Just create/modify a new Monaco 9 and use the Font/DA Mover to copy it in! It'll work. This also works with Chicago:-) There is no need to muck with ROV# because System 7 doesn't use FONTs -- it uses NFNTs for bitmaps, and these aren't in the ROMs. > cmd-shift-E doesn't eject-unmount a disk any more. It used to work. Try Command-Y. >Instead of putting preferences files in the preferences folder, I set their >invisible bits. I used to do this with DiskTop, but my version doesn't seem >to work any more (yes, it's a legal copy, but old). I can do it with ResEdit, >but it's too slow. Dumb. What is someone wants to copy their app -- now they can't take the prefs with them. Also, they can't double-click on the prefs file to launch the app with that set of prefs -- irritating when more than one person is using the app, or they have more than one set of prefs. Just because you auto-save the prefs file in the system folder doesn't mean they are locked into only one set. -- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark Lanett Software Tools Group, NCSA To create a Mac emulator you would only need to write a screensaver for Windows that draws a bomb box. (Matthew T. Russotto) (05/19/91)
In article <> (Juri Munkki) writes: >I'm one of the lucky ones who didn't even have to fight with ftp to get >System 7.0. I just installed it from a CD-ROM. > >Most of the work is now done, and I'm mostly pleased. There are still a >few gripes that I want to point out. > > - There seems to be no way to replace Monaco 9. Even though I added > it to the ROM override list, it doesn't appear in a suitcase file > when I open one. I want a font where I 0 and O are different. I > might start using Courier. Go into the System file with ResEdit (You have turned off the warnings by now, right :-) ), remove the FRSV resources-- there are two of them, one uppercase, one lowercase-- you can recognize them by the icon which is an 'A' with the word RESERVED (doesn't that violate the Human Interface guidlines) > - The system folder is still cluttered with preference files. A new > poor man's search path would have solved the problem. At least my > program doesn't find its preferences with OpenResFile. Does SetPaths still work? > Waiting for a file name to become editable is irritating. The old > way was better for experienced users. Yeah. >I was intrigued by the way that you can drop stuff into ResEdit, so I wrote >a short application that hides any files that you drop into it. Take it just >as a weird hack, I haven't tested this thing properly. Hmm, could be a neat background-only hack-- does it work if you set it to background-only? -- Matthew T. Russotto .sig under construction, like the rest of this campus.
keith@Apple.COM (Keith Rollin) (05/19/91)
In article <> (Juri Munkki) writes: >I'm one of the lucky ones who didn't even have to fight with ftp to get >System 7.0. I just installed it from a CD-ROM. > >Most of the work is now done, and I'm mostly pleased. There are still a >few gripes that I want to point out. > > cmd-shift-E doesn't eject-unmount a disk any more. It used to work. Cmd-Y (Put Away) does this for you. > Waiting for a file name to become editable is irritating. The old > way was better for experienced users. I agree that this is a little awkward. Then I found a little trick that seems to help, though I still need to retrain my fingers. What I do is click on the icon whose name I want to edit. Then I press return. This instantly puts me into edit mode. One problem with this is when I click on the name, rather than the icon. When you do that, you are instantly in edit mode and can start typing, even though the border that indicates such is not there. In that case, pressing return _stops_ editing, and I have to press return again to get back into edit mode. > If you copy files and switch out of Finder, you can open desk > accessories and Apple menu items, but the actions only happen > after the copy has been completed. Yeah, I think this is goofy, too. Some sort of indication of what happened would be nice. I wish I'd mentioned this to the Finder team before it was too late. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Keith Rollin --- Apple Computer, Inc. INTERNET: UUCP: {decwrl, hoptoad, nsc, sun, amdahl}!apple!keith "But where the senses fail us, reason must step in." - Galileo (Lloyd Lim) (05/19/91)
In article <> (Mark Lanett) writes: > (Juri Munkki) writes: >>Instead of putting preferences files in the preferences folder, I set their >>invisible bits. I used to do this with DiskTop, but my version doesn't seem >>to work any more (yes, it's a legal copy, but old). I can do it with ResEdit, >>but it's too slow. > >Dumb. What is someone wants to copy their app -- now they can't take the prefs >with them. Also, they can't double-click on the prefs file to launch the >app with that set of prefs -- irritating when more than one person is using >the app, or they have more than one set of prefs. Just because you auto-save >the prefs file in the system folder doesn't mean they are locked into only one >set. I am sure he was speaking as a user organizing his own personal Mac - not as a programmer who writes apps that create invisible pref files. Sure, it may sound a little anal-retentive but I don't think it's dumb. In my own ways, I'm rather anal about how I organize all my stuff. :-) +++ Lloyd Lim Internet: America Online: LimUnltd Compuserve: 72647,660 US Mail: 215 Lysle Leach Hall, U.C. Davis, Davis, CA 95616 (HP48SX Archive Maintainer) (05/19/91)
I have had another irritating problem with system 7.0 a few times. It eats up/fragments the WHOLE memory. Sometimes when there is not enough memory for doing something in the finder, because another program is running, then it closes some of its windows. When I then go and quit all mty applications, then the finder still claims that it can't open a window 'cause it is out of memory. Having the finder use 5MB is not possible on a classic/SE/Plus, so how can these poor people use system 7.0 ? ;^) It is an irritating problem, I wonder if other people have experienced it too ? I am using a 5MB SE/30 with RasterOps 264/30 color board, but is most often using it in 256 color mode. I remember that at least one of the times I experienced the problem was while I was trying to change the screen depth. (from 8 to 24 bit). But it has also happened without touching the monitors cdev. -- ******************************************************* Povl H. Pedersen HP48sx archive maintainer (James R Osborn) (05/19/91)
I too have had a similar problem. Sometimes if open a bunch of applications (say four) and then I quit one of them (or maybe two), then I won't get back all of my available memory. This occurred occasionally with 6.0.x and now also is occurring occasionally with 7.0 - I'm running these on a IIci with built- in video. My problem is less drastic in that if I quit all of the open applications, I do eventually get all of the available memory back. I was hoping that 7.0 would fix this problem with 6.0.x 8^) Anybody out there (at Apple perhaps) know what is causing this and how to avoid it? -- James .------------------------------.--------------------------------------. | James R. Osborn | It just goes to show you it's always | | Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory | something. Either it's unclear tech | | | notes or your mac is smoking. It's | | (415) 548-8464 | always something... | '------------------------------'--------------------------------------'
chuq@Apple.COM (Chuq Von Rospach, only here for the beer) (05/20/91)
peirce@outpost.UUCP (Michael Peirce) writes: >> I have had another irritating problem with system 7.0 a few times. It >> eats up/fragments the WHOLE memory. Sometimes when there is not enough >> memory for doing something in the finder, because another program is >I've also had the same problem on an 8M Mac IIci. Sounds like some >wierd memeory leakage to me... And I've been running 7.0 since Alpha 9 eight+ hours a day, and never seen this once... What INITs/Extenstions/Applications/etc are one these systems? -- Chuq Von Rospach >=< >=< GEnie:CHUQ or MAC.BIGOT >=< ALink:CHUQ SFWA Nebula Awards Reports Editor =+= Editor, OtherRealms Book Reviewer, Amazing Stories ---@--- #include <standard/disclaimer.h> Recommended: ORION IN THE DYING TIME Ben Bova (Tor, Aug, ***-); SACRED VISIONS Greeley&Cassutt (Tor, Aug, ****+); MEN AT WORK George Will (****); XENOCIDE Orson Scott Card (August, ****)
peirce@outpost.UUCP (Michael Peirce) (05/20/91)
In article <>, (HP48SX Archive Maintainer) writes: > I have had another irritating problem with system 7.0 a few times. It > eats up/fragments the WHOLE memory. Sometimes when there is not enough > memory for doing something in the finder, because another program is > running, then it closes some of its windows. When I then go and quit all > mty applications, then the finder still claims that it can't open a > window 'cause it is out of memory. Having the finder use 5MB is not > possible on a classic/SE/Plus, so how can these poor people use system > 7.0 ? ;^) I've also had the same problem on an 8M Mac IIci. Sounds like some wierd memeory leakage to me... Still, I really like 7.0! -- michael -- Michael Peirce -- outpost! -- Peirce Software -- Suite 301, 719 Hibiscus Place -- Macintosh Programming -- San Jose, California 95117 -- & Consulting -- (408) 244-6554, AppleLink: PEIRCE