[comp.sys.mac.programmer] CODE: Code to move the cursor...

time@ice.com (Tim Endres) (05/23/91)

I know this has been posted before, but here is a new incantation.
This code will move the cursor from your code.

#include <osutils.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define MTemp		( * (Point *) 0x0828 )		// Low-level interrupt mouse location
#define RawMouse	( * (Point *) 0x082C )		// un-jerked mouse coordinates
#define CrsrNew 	( * (char *) 0x08CE	)		// Cursor changed?
#define CrsrCouple	( * (char *) 0x08CF	)		// cursor coupled to mouse?

MySetMouse(h, v)
int		h,v;
Point		where;

	where.h = v; where.v = h;
	RawMouse = where;       	/* into RawMouse */
	MTemp = where;          	/* and MTemp */
	CrsrNew = 0xff;  			/* Hit CrsrNew & CrsrCouple */
	CrsrCouple = 0xff;  		/* Hit CrsrNew & CrsrCouple */

main(argc, argv)
int		argc;
char	*argv[];
long	final;

	MySetMouse(40, 40);
	Delay(60, &final);
	MySetMouse(50, 40);
	Delay(60, &final);
	MySetMouse(60, 40);
	Delay(60, &final);
	MySetMouse(70, 40);
	Delay(60, &final);
	MySetMouse(40, 50);
	Delay(60, &final);
	MySetMouse(40, 60);
	Delay(60, &final);
	MySetMouse(40, 70);
	CrsrCouple = '\1';


C -w {active}
Link -t "MPST" -c "MPS " -o aout 6
	{active}.o		6
	{Clibraries}CRunTime.o		6
	{Clibraries}CInterface.o	6
	{libraries}Interface.o		6


Tim Endres                |  time@ice.com
ICE Engineering           |  uupsi!ice.com!time
8840 Main Street          |  Voice            FAX
Whitmore Lake MI. 48189   |  (313) 449 8288   (313) 449 9208