[comp.sys.mac.programmer] HOWTO: ?Color icons in Notification Manager in 7.0?

time@ice.com (Tim Endres) (05/26/91)

OK, I give up.
I have tried every combination I can think of for loading icon family
resources to get the notification manager to display a color icon
instead of the boring B&W SICN resource.

IM VI talks all over the place about ICON FAMILIES and the fact that
they consist of the various resrources (ICN# ics# icl4 icl8 ics4 ics8),
but nothing about what the notification manager expects in its nmIcon

Anyone know what to load and place in the nmIcon field under 7.0 to
get the nice color small icon rotated?

Tim Endres                |  time@ice.com
ICE Engineering           |  uupsi!ice.com!time
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