[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Nerdtools

blob@Apple.COM (Brian Bechtel) (05/30/91)

I've posted bunches o' stuff to the Apple ftp site, ftp.apple.com
(  The directory is /ftp/pub/nerdtools.  The 00readme file
for that directory is posted below.  New stuff includes Bo3b's tools as
(kind of) promised at the World Wide Developer's Conference earlier
this month.  I'd appreciate any comments or submissions that might help
this collection.

Notice this site is NOT the same as apple.com (; that's a Vax
used for mail and Internet access.  If you go looking for this stuff
there, you'll be lost...

--Brian Bechtel     blob@apple.com     "My opinion, not Apple's"

Here's the readme file in /ftp/pub/nerdtools:

The tools in these subdirectories are useful if you interchange files
with PCDOS or Unix systems.I acquired all these files from various
places on the Usenet and local BBS systems.  None of them as far as I
know are restricted in their distribution.  If there is a problem with
any of these files,  please send a message to blob@apple.com.  Don't
send a message to blob@apple.com for any files outside of this
directory; I can't help with those files.

--Brian Bechtel        blob@apple.com

bawk.sit.hqx        awk replacement
cflow.sit.hqx       c program flow analyser
gnu-sed.sit.hqx     gnu stream oriented editor
indent1.1.sit.hqx   C beautifier/formatter
microemacs.sit.hqx  small emacs-like editor
tarsrc.sit.hqx      unix compatible tar

leaks.hqx            Macsbug DCMD to help find memory leaks
menusnaps.hqx        FKEY to take screen snapshots with menus down.
zaphandles.hqx       Macsbug DCMD to zap pointers and handles as they
                     are disposed.

arcmac.sit.hqx           PC-DOS compatible arc
evenbetterbuserror.hqx   INIT that puts magic value in location 0,
                         and checks for writes to that location.
                         Debugging assist.  Replaces "Mr. Bus Error"
macbooz.sit.hqx          PC-DOS compatible zoo
maccompress.sit.hqx      unix compatible compress
sarez-saderez.sit.hqx    standalone rez & derez
stuffit1.5.1.hqx         stuffit 1.5.1 (needed for .sit files.)
switch-a-roo-1.6.sit.hqx switch monitor between 2 settings
tar2.0.sit.hqx           another tar compatible

bison.sit.hqx            gnu yacc
flex.sit.hqx             gnu lex
grep.sources.sit.hqx     grep
mw-ii-launcher.sit.hqx   launch MacWrite II for MacWrite documents
tar1.21.sit.hqx          yet another tar
unshar.sit.hqx           semi-unix-compatible unshar
unxfiles.sit.hqx         uudecode/uuencode for macintosh
unzip101.sit.hqx         PC-DOS compatible zip

mcvert-15.shar           various conversions to/from Unix-Mac
mcvert-16.shar           various conversions to/from Unix-Mac