ABN.ISCAMS%usc-isid@sri-unix.UUCP (12/27/83)
I'm struggling through Wang documentation and my first exposure to 16-bit mnemonics (ugh, yet interesting) in an attempt to get good old KERMIT (the IBM PC/Z100 version) running on a Wang Professional Computer running MS-DOS. Documentation does NOT discuss the actual addresses of the serial port so I can't go straight at it to check status, IN, OUT, etc. And having NEVER worked in an interrupt-driven system before, the details on interrupts and some of the fancy fancy system calls just blow my mind! Can some kind soul give me some pointers. If I just knew where to start LOOKING for that stupid port, maybe I could trial and error my way into direct access. Lord, those interrupts scare me! Got clever, wrote a little BASIC program to access the port in various ways; compiled it (nice compiler that Wang has - pretty clean code); then DEBUGged the source trying to find just what it does. If no one can help, I THINK I'll find some answers there (terribly proud of myself for that hack), but I know there are better ways. Nope, no got a real disassembler for 16-bit. Yep, got a communications package with it (proprietary and no source), but it doesn't error-check, and sure won't mate with KERMIT or MDM71x for other than straight terminal mode. Thanks in advance, David Kirschbaum Toad Hall