[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Changes to Standard File under System 7

pratt@csn.org (Jonathan Pratt) (05/31/91)

I'd like someone in the know to tell me the reasoning behind a couple of
annoying changes to the old standard file calls under the new system.

In SFPGetFile and SFPPutFile the supplied filterprocs no longer receive
update events for windows other than the standard file box.  This causes
a cosmetic breakage in quite a few apps that used these events to update
their back windows.  Is there now a non-painful way to provide this
updating under both System 7 and 6.0.x?

In SFPGetFile, when you enter zero for the number of file types you
now get all the files, whereas before you got none, which was convenient
for setting directories.  I know you can easily work around this by
supplying a file filter, but what's the point of this change?  You could
already use numTypes = -1 if you wanted to see all the files.


/* Jonathan Pratt            Internet: pratt@boulder.colorado.edu  *
 * UCHSC, Box A034           uucp: ..!ncar!boulder!pratt           *
 * 4200 E. Ninth Ave.                                              * 
 * Denver, CO 80262          Phone: (303) 270-7801                 */

keith@Apple.COM (Keith Rollin) (06/01/91)

In article <1991May31.055056.13676@colorado.edu> pratt@csn.org (Jonathan Pratt) writes:
>I'd like someone in the know to tell me the reasoning behind a couple of
>annoying changes to the old standard file calls under the new system.
>In SFPGetFile, when you enter zero for the number of file types you
>now get all the files, whereas before you got none, which was convenient
>for setting directories.  I know you can easily work around this by
>supplying a file filter, but what's the point of this change?  You could
>already use numTypes = -1 if you wanted to see all the files.

Under System 6.0.x, passing zero for numTypes is undefined. The
last time I reviewed the Standard File chapter for IM VI, that
operation was undefined for System 7.0, too (I haven't seen IM VI
final, yet. Apparently, Addison Wesley is too busy mailing them
to Quantum Books in Boston to let Apple have any).

Keith Rollin  ---  Apple Computer, Inc. 
INTERNET: keith@apple.com
    UUCP: {decwrl, hoptoad, nsc, sun, amdahl}!apple!keith
"But where the senses fail us, reason must step in."  - Galileo