[comp.sys.mac.programmer] 4Plus help, please...

cfejm@ux1.cts.eiu.edu (John Miller) (06/06/91)

Hi all,
I recently downloaded 4Plus and am trying to audition it--the docs
make it sound quite useful.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to get it 
installed.  I've tried installing the init into both 6.0.5 and 
7.0, and though I see the init during startup, the "4Plus" menu
item doesn't appear when the TC editor is booted.

Am I going to be _really_ embarrased when somebody points out something
_really_ obvious that I've overlooked?



John Miller
Music Theory
Eastern Illinois University

bitting-douglas@cs.yale.edu (Douglas Bitting) (06/07/91)

When installing 4+ under sys7, you need to make sure that it is in the System
Folder, not the control panels or anything else.  This is because (and I am
guessing by its behavior), when the INIT part it detects a _Launch of THINK C,
it looks in the System Folder for itself so that it can add its spiffy code to
the THINK C heap.  The reason it does this is because the INIT tries to keep
itself as small as possible... all it does is sit in the system heap looking
for a _Launch of THINK C... then puts the real code in the THINK C heap so that
the system heap isn't cluttered up by it.

Hope this helps...

Doug Bitting             | "And we know that in all things God works
PO Box 3043 Yale Station |  for the good of those who love him..."
New Haven, CT 06520      |                       --Romans 8:28
bitting@cs.yale.edu      +------------------------------------------