[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Dialog Filter - blocking returns

jcocon@hubcap.clemson.edu (james c oconnor) (06/20/91)

I am writing a dialog filter routine which checks the condition of the
default button.  If the button is hilited 255 then the return is
converted to a tab.  One problem, it doesn't work.  Here is the code:

pascal Boolean ReturnFilter(DialogPtr dlog,EventRecord *event,int *hit) 
	char		c;
	ControlHandle	Hndl;
	int		type;
	Rect		r;

	if (event->what == keyDown || event->what == autoKey){
		if ((c=event->message & charCodeMask)==CR || c==ENTER){
			if (!(*Hndl)->contrlHilite){
				event->message &= ~0xFF;
				event->message |= TAB;
				c = TAB;
		if (c == CR || c == ENTER){
			*hit = 1;
			return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

TAB, ENTER, and CR are all #defined to be 0x??, and should work since
they do in a much more elaborate filter I wrote which does this very
thing, plus a whole bunch.


jtn@potomac.ads.com (John T. Nelson) (06/20/91)

Your code is VERY similar in function to my own and I have the same
problem and I wish I knew how to solve it!  I can't trap '\r' and
other characters without them showing up in the text field of the
dialog items.

ORGANIZATION:  BLETCH (Bletcherous League of Evil Twisted Computer Hackers)
UUCP:          kzin!speaker@mimsy.umd.edu  INTERNET:   jtn@potomac.ads.com
SPOKEN:        Dark Hacker                 PHONE:      (703) 243-1611
FAVORITE MAGAZINE:   Midnight Engineer
TWISTED DIABOLICAL LAUGH:	Mwahh ah ha ha hah ha ha ha!

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"Controlled by the sinister and shadowy "suits" Dark Hacker now employs
the tools of computer science to free himself from the suit's will.
By day he is a lackey... but at night when the city sleeps he
becomes.... DARK HACKER!"

time@ice.com (Tim Endres) (06/20/91)

In article <1991Jun19.203617.553@hubcap.clemson.edu>, jcocon@hubcap.clemson.edu (james c oconnor) writes:
> I am writing a dialog filter routine which checks the condition of the
> default button.  If the button is hilited 255 then the return is
> converted to a tab.  One problem, it doesn't work.  Here is the code:

Well, Here is the code I use to insert the bullet characters when
the user is typing in a password... It does a lot of shit. I catch
Apple-Period for Cancel, Escape for Cancel, and clipboarding.
Comparing the two, the only difference I see is the two lines:

				event->message &= ~0xFF;
				event->message |= TAB;

The "&= ~0xFF" zeros the entire message field. I don't think you wish
to do this. I just zero the lower byte, since I think the "key code"
is required by the ModalDialog() algorithms...


pascal Boolean
LoginFilter(myDialog, myEvent, myItem)
DialogPtr		myDialog;
EventRecord		*myEvent;
short			*myItem;
int		result = FALSE, myascii, virtual_key;
char	title[256];
Handle	myhandle;
short	type, psuedo_cancel = 0;
Rect	myrect;
#pragma unused(myEvent)

	if (myEvent->what == keyDown) {
		myascii = myEvent->message & 255;
		virtual_key = (myEvent->message >> 8) % 256;
		if ((myEvent->modifiers & 0x0100) != 0) {
			if (myascii == 'x' || myascii == 'X')
				{ DlgCut(myDialog); ZeroScrap(); TEToScrap(); result = TRUE; }
			else if (myascii == 'c' || myascii == 'C')
				{ DlgCopy(myDialog); ZeroScrap(); TEToScrap(); result = TRUE; }
			else if (myascii == 'v' || myascii == 'V') {
				if ((((DialogPeek)myDialog)->editField + 1) == user_password_text_item)
					{ SysBeep(0); result = TRUE; }
					{ DlgPaste(myDialog); result = TRUE; }
			else if (myascii == '.') {
				psuedo_cancel = 1;
			else {	/* Suck up stray apple-keys... */
				*myItem = 0;
				result = TRUE;
		else if (myascii == '\015' || myascii == '\003') {
			*myItem = ((DialogRecord *) myDialog)->aDefItem;
			result = TRUE;
		else if (myascii == 0x1B) {
			psuedo_cancel = 1;
		else if (myascii != 0x09) {
			if (virtual_key == 0x7C	|| virtual_key == 0x7D
					|| virtual_key == 0x7B	|| virtual_key == 0x7E)
					result = TRUE;
			else if ((((DialogPeek)myDialog)->editField + 1) == user_password_text_item) {
				if (myascii == 0x08 || virtual_key == 0x47) {	/* BACKSPace or CLEAR */
					SelIText(myDialog, user_password_text_item, 0, 256);
					_login_pass_index = 0;
					result = TRUE;
				else {
					_login_password[_login_pass_index++] = myascii;
					myEvent->message &= 0xFFFFFF00;
					myEvent->message |= 0x00A5;
					result = FALSE;
		if (psuedo_cancel) {
			GetDItem(myDialog, 2, &type, &myhandle, &myrect);
			if (myhandle != NULL && type == (ctrlItem + btnCtrl)) {
				GetCTitle((ControlHandle)myhandle, title);
				if (title[0] == '\006' &&
					title[1] == 'C' && title[2] == 'a' && title[3] == 'n' && 
					title[4] == 'c' && title[5] == 'e' && title[6] == 'l')
					*myItem = 2;
					result = TRUE;
	return result;

Tim Endres                |  time@ice.com
ICE Engineering           |  uupsi!ice.com!time
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