[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Four color video: Please keep this feature

davet@cmi.com (David Temkin) (06/25/91)

I guess this is message is meant for people at Apple and other companies 
who produce video circuitry for the Mac. Last week I was at MacHack in Ann 
Arbor, and someone who would know indicated that Apple might be dropping 
the two-bit (four color) mode from the built-in video in its new machines. 
I genuinely hope this doesn't happen.

I have a stereo 3D animated graphics application under development which 
works very well in two-bit mode. While it can work in other modes (4 and 8 
bit), it is far less efficient, and the animation is therefore 
considerably less effective. The specific technique used to attain the 
stereo effect basically depends on this video mode -- it uses a four-color 
CLUT and ORs two images together to attain stereo animation for use with 
red/green 3D glasses. 

I just wanted to point that there's at least one good reason to retain 
this mode. Up to this point all color Apple video cards, including all of 
the built-in color video circuitry, has supported four-color mode, and I 
hope that this remains the case -- four-color mode is far from useless. 
(And so are indexed video modes -- direct video modes severely restrict 
animation, and not only because the images require so much memory).

If you have any questions, please send email.

David Temkin
Center for Machine Intelligence, EDS Corp.
One Cambridge Center, Suite 408
Cambridge, MA 02142