[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Savin' Files

jpf10694@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Joseph Peter Fleck) (06/25/91)

	If anyone has some sample code on the whole SFGet/Open/Close/Set 
etc. commands would you consider e-mailing me a bit of it?  I would be
most obliged.  Thanks in advance.
| Joseph P. Fleck               |"Yeah, so I finally got the googlephonic... |
| University of Illinois        | The highest number of speakers before      |
| Urbana/Champaign              | infinity....                               | 
|  INTERNET:                    | Sounds like shit."         - Steve Martin  |
|     jpf10694@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu |                       Comedy is not Pretty |