[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Searching for files

djewhurs@cosmos.acs.calpoly.edu (Derek Jewhurst) (06/27/91)

I'm posting this for a friend so please send any email to the address
below if you do not do a follow-up, thanx.

I'm writing a file find using Think C, what is the easiest way to implement 
this?  How do I access the file names off of the drive and how do I search
different directories(folders)?
             Dan Jones  djones@nemesis.calpoly.edu      

_   /|      ***  Derek Jewhurst -- djewhurs@Cosmos.CalPoly.EDU  ***     _   /|
\'o.O'  STRESS: the confusion created when the mind must override the   \'o.O'
=(___)=   body's basic desire to choke the living crap out of some      =(___)=
   U      idiot who desperately deserves it!                               U