[comp.sys.mac.programmer] Fast copy 45meg to large HD project

huff@mcclb0.med.nyu.edu (Edward J. Huff) (06/27/91)

I needed to quickly copy about 3 45meg cartridges onto a large hard
drive, use the data there, then copy it all back to the cartridges,
and erase it from the large hard drive.

Using SUM partition, I created partitions on the cartridges, leaving
a little space free.  I made the partition files visible and named 
them to reflect the volume names.  Then I wrote a quick and dirty
application that opens the partition file, creates a contiguous
file on the hard drive, and copies it using a 5 meg buffer.
Then it renames the original partition file by appending " copied"
to the name.

I used full path names for all files, etc. because I am not yet
expert at doing Mac user interface programming.  So I just built
two copies for each cartridge, one named "from n" and one named
"to n", where n is the cartridge number.  These two applications
are copied onto the cartridge (outside of the SUM partition).
To copy a cartridge to the hard drive, you mount it, double
click on the "from n" application, and wait a minute or two.
(MUCH faster than copying individual files, especially since
there are a lot of them).  To copy it back, you dismount the
SUM partitions, mount the cartridge, drag the "copied" partition
file to trash, double click on the "to n" application, and wait
another minute or two.  You have to close the hard disk window
and reopen it before finder will notice the name change on
the newly "copied" partition file, which can then be trashed.

It seems like other people might need something like this.
Not everyone has SUM partition, and it isn't 7 compatible.
Is there a PD partition file program without all the
bells and whistles of SUM but which works reliably?

Is there anyone out there who would like to discuss design
(how should this thing really work?) or to assist in
implementing a releaseable version?  I don't have the time
to polish it up.  

I think it would be a good idea to inhibit mounting the 
partitions when they are on the cartridge, since this 
could lead to major confusion if you mounted both copies at
the same time.

That is easy, just use a different creator code/file type when
creating the file on the cartridge so that SUM partition
won't recognize the file when it is on the cartridge.