EAO102@psuvm.psu.edu (Ernie Oporto) (06/29/91)
A little while ago, I posted an article requesting help for doing updates. I only got two responses from people. While it may seem that this group is not particularly hospitable to novice programmers, I'll try again, this time, without the long source code. My problem is this. I have ten windows, nine with a different pictures in them. The tenth is a clock which runs fine. I have a problem with eight of the nine windows in that when they are covered and then uncovered, they do not update correctly. Only one of the nine updates, but the rest just wont update. What I would like to see is how people address the problem of updates. ANY simple little piece of source code for handling unique and multiple windows would be of great aid. I do not own Inside Mac, or Mac Revealed, but I own the Mac Programming Primer, so references from the former two would not be of any help. A few lines of code: /*** DrawMyPicture ***/ DrawMyPicture (thePicture,pictureWindow) PicHandle thePicture; WindowPtr pictureWindow; { Rect myRect; myRect=pictureWindow->portRect; CenterPict(thePicture,&myRect); SetPort(pictureWindow); DrawPicture(thePicture,&myRect); } UpdateWindows() { if ((WindowPtr)gTheEvent.message==gStasisWindow) DrawMyPicture(gStasisPict,gStasisWindow); if ((WindowPtr)gTheEvent.message==gHeightWindow) DrawMyPicture(gHeightPict,gHeightWindow); if ((WindowPtr)gTheEvent.message==gWeightWindow) DrawMyPicture(gWeightPict,gWeightWindow); if ((WindowPtr)gTheEvent.message==gHairWindow) DrawMyPicture(gHairPict,gHairWindow); if((WindowPtr)gTheEvent.message==gEyesWindow) DrawMyPicture(gEyesPict,gEyesWindow); if ((WindowPtr)gTheEvent.message==gAgeWindow) DrawMyPicture(gAgePict,gAgeWindow); if ((WindowPtr)gTheEvent.message==gAddressWindow) DrawMyPicture(gAddressPict,gAddressWindow); if ((WindowPtr)gTheEvent.message==gPhoneWindow) DrawMyPicture(gPhonePict,gPhoneWindow); } Ernie "SHOKK" Oporto(); { _____) ______ _) _) EAO102@PSUVM.PSU.EDU __ __ Student ______ ______ ___ ___ Computer Laboratory __ __ Attendant of the (_______ _ _ ________ _ _) _ _) PennState University Center for Academic } Computing