[comp.sources.games.bugs] Wanderer Patches

anderson@cme-durer.ARPA (William E. Anderson) (11/20/88)

Something is wrong with the patches posted for Wanderer V2.2.
Specically, files Makefile, display.c, fall.c, game.c, m.c, read.c
and wand_head.h won't patch.  The first and last are easy to patch
by hand but the others are serious.  For instance,

*** 29
- 	    if(ch==' '||ch=='#'||ch=='<'||ch=='>'||ch=='O'||ch==':'||
--- 29 -----
+             if(ch==' '||ch=='#'||ch=='<'||ch=='>'||ch=='O'||ch==':'||
*** 32
- 	       ch=='A')
--- 32 -----
+                ch=='A'||ch=='^')
In my original version line 29 of display.c is 

            ch = ' ';

and line 32 is


Perhaps, my version is outdated with respect to these patches.
Has anyone out there not had problems with the patches?

NAME:   William E. Anderson            TELE: (301) 975-2423
USMAIL: National Bureau of Standards   ARPA: anderson@ceee.nbs.gov
        Rm. B-344, Bldg. 220           UUCP: uunet!cme-durer!anderson
        Gaithersburg, MD  20899

bec1@ihlpf.ATT.COM (LARRYB) (12/02/88)

I pulled the patch for wanderer from comp.sources.games but I seem to
be missing a previous patch.  Is this so?  I seem to be missing help.c
and some other things (like screens 14 - 20).  If someone who had this
could please mail me the information I would be grateful.

Larry B