[comp.sources.games.bugs] Need Help on

vogt@obelix.UUCP (Gerald Vogt) (03/04/89)

Today, I wanted to install the wanderer 2.0 patches to update it to
version 2.2. But I couldn't because the patches doesn't seem to be the
ones I need. The diffs refer to some sources I don't have, for example

I have the xwanderer version, that was posted some months ago. 'README'
means its version 2.0. I don't know when the patch was posted, but
it's the patch that includes 'encrypt.c', some screens, 'diffs', 'README'
and 'credits'.

Does anyone know, how I can apply this patch? Have I missed something?
Or, are there some different versions on the net?

BTW, some people here wonder how to solve screen 2! Can anyone e-mail me
how to do this? I don't have the time to do it myself.

Thanks in advance,
Gerald Vogt
ISA GmbH  -  Informationssysteme fuer computerintegrierte Automatisierung
UUCP: ...{uunet!unido, pyramid!iaoobel}!isaak!vogt or vogt@isaak.UUCP
EARN: isaak.uucp!vogt@unido.bitnet