[comp.sources.games.bugs] Patch #2 for Greed

mday@ohs.UUCP (Matthew T. Day) (06/20/89)

Here's patch #2 to Greed.  This patch basically fixes the SYSV porting
properly.  This might not work on all SYSV machines, since I haven't heard
about the unistd.h include file before, but I'll trust John Campbell (who
wrote the patch) until told otherwise.  This also patches the Makefile to
include -ltermlib for all machines, I didn't think such a library existed
for all systems, but that should correct the SO+SE problem and now highlight
new high scores.  If somebody on a generic SYSV machine would like to email me
the results of this patch on his/her system, that would be great.  Keep those
reports coming, we'll get this working pretty slick yet!


diff -c greed11b/Makefile greed/Makefile
*** greed11b/Makefile	Mon Jun 19 15:56:57 1989
--- greed/Makefile	Mon Jun 19 15:56:04 1989
*** 1,8 ****
! # Makefile for Greed v1.1a, by Matthew T. Day (mday@ohs.uucp)
  # Choose BSD for Berkeley 4.[23] Unix, NOTBSD for all others
! SYSDEF=BSD -lcurses -ltermcap
! #SYSDEF=NOTBSD -lcurses
  # Location of high score file
--- 1,8 ----
! # Makefile for Greed v1.1c, by Matthew T. Day (mday@ohs.uucp)
  # Choose BSD for Berkeley 4.[23] Unix, NOTBSD for all others
  # Location of high score file
*** 9,15 ****
  # Location of game executable
  greed: greed.c
  	cc -o greed greed.c $(CFLAGS)
--- 9,15 ----
  # Location of game executable
! CFLAGS=-O -s -DSCOREFILE=\"$(SCOREFILE)\" -D$(SYSDEF) -lcurses -ltermlib
  greed: greed.c
  	cc -o greed greed.c $(CFLAGS)
diff -c greed11b/greed.c greed/greed.c
*** greed11b/greed.c	Mon Jun 19 15:57:14 1989
--- greed/greed.c	Mon Jun 19 15:59:46 1989
*** 1,4 ****
! /* greed.c v1.1b - Written by Matthew T. Day (mday@ohs.uucp), 06/17/89 */
  #include <curses.h>
  #include <signal.h>
--- 1,4 ----
! /* greed.c v1.1c - Written by Matthew T. Day (mday@ohs.uucp), 06/19/89 */
  #include <curses.h>
  #include <signal.h>
*** 5,10 ****
--- 5,11 ----
  #include <pwd.h>
  #ifdef NOTBSD
  #include <fcntl.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
  #include <sys/file.h>
*** 77,83 ****
  	(void) wmove(gridwin, y, x);
  	waddstr(botwin, "Score: ");
! 	mvwaddstr(botwin, 0, 40, "Greed v1.1b - Hit '?' for help.");
  	while ((val = tunnel(wgetch(gridwin))) > 0);
--- 78,84 ----
  	(void) wmove(gridwin, y, x);
  	waddstr(botwin, "Score: ");
! 	mvwaddstr(botwin, 0, 40, "Greed v1.1c - Hit '?' for help.");
  	while ((val = tunnel(wgetch(gridwin))) > 0);
*** 237,242 ****
--- 238,246 ----
  	struct score *toplist = (struct score *) malloc(FILESIZE);
  	register struct score *ptrtmp, *eof = &toplist[MAXSCORE], *new;
  	extern int _putchar();
+ #ifdef NOTBSD
+ 	extern struct passwd *getpwuid();
+ #endif
  	(void) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
  	(void) signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
*** 248,254 ****
--- 252,262 ----
+ #ifdef NOTBSD
+ 	lockf(fd, F_LOCK, 10L);
+ #else
  	flock(fd, LOCK_EX);
+ #endif
  	for (ptrtmp=toplist; ptrtmp < eof; ptrtmp++) ptrtmp->score = 0;
  	read(fd, toplist, FILESIZE);
  	if (newscore) {
*** 269,280 ****
  			new->score = newscore;
  			strncpy(new->user, getpwuid(getuid())->pw_name, 8);
! 			(void) lseek(fd, 0, 0);
  			write(fd, toplist, FILESIZE);
  	flock(fd, LOCK_UN);
  	if (toplist->score) puts("Rank  Score  Name     Percentage");
  	else puts("No high scores.");
--- 277,295 ----
  			new->score = newscore;
  			strncpy(new->user, getpwuid(getuid())->pw_name, 8);
! 			(void) lseek(fd, 0L, 0);
  			write(fd, toplist, FILESIZE);
+ #ifdef NOTBSD
+ 	(void) lseek(fd, 0L, 0);
+ 	lockf(fd, F_ULOCK, 10L);
+ #else
  	flock(fd, LOCK_UN);
+ 	close(fd);
+ #endif
  	if (toplist->score) puts("Rank  Score  Name     Percentage");
  	else puts("No high scores.");
*** 296,302 ****
  	(void) waddch(helpwin, '+'); mvwaddch(helpwin, 0, 64, '+');
  	mvwaddch(helpwin, 15, 0, '+'); mvwaddch(helpwin, 15, 64, '+');
! 	msg(1, "Welcome to Greed v1.1b, by Matthew T. Day (mday@ohs.uucp).");
  	msg(3, "The object of Greed is to erase as much of the screen as");
  	msg(4, "possible by moving around in a grid of numbers.  To move your");
  	msg(5, "cursor, simply use the standard hjklyubn keys or the number");
--- 311,317 ----
  	(void) waddch(helpwin, '+'); mvwaddch(helpwin, 0, 64, '+');
  	mvwaddch(helpwin, 15, 0, '+'); mvwaddch(helpwin, 15, 64, '+');
! 	msg(1, "Welcome to Greed v1.1c, by Matthew T. Day (mday@ohs.uucp).");
  	msg(3, "The object of Greed is to erase as much of the screen as");
  	msg(4, "possible by moving around in a grid of numbers.  To move your");
  	msg(5, "cursor, simply use the standard hjklyubn keys or the number");
| Matthew T. Day, Orem High School, Orem, Utah             | "He who laughs, |
| Internet: mday@ohs.uucp  UUCP: ..!uunet!iconsys!ohs!mday |  lasts."        |