[comp.sources.games.bugs] Wanderer -- new screen.50

wjmartiniii@violet.waterloo.edu (Bill Martin) (07/07/89)

 Dear Wanderer fans:
     I understand that some implementations of wanderer don't allow the same
 perversions of the rules that the version I have allows. thus, those users
 have had trouble finishing my screen.50. Sorry about that. I tried to make 
 the screen as complicated as possible and made use of any idiosyncracies I
 could find in the software. 
     Well, here is a new version of screen.50 which allows a more standard 
 solution of the "baby monster by the exit" problem. Unfortunately, I couldn't
 find a way of making it more difficult. Well, good luck. And, by the way, who
 decides which is the "official" screen.50?

                         -bill martin
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