[comp.sources.games.bugs] Re^2: Hotel lacking display.c

sean@ms.uky.edu (Sean Casey) (07/14/89)

srt@maui.cs.ucla.edu (Scott Turner) writes:

|In article <12160@s.ms.uky.edu> sean@ms.uky.edu (Sean Casey) writes:
|Sean, I don't know why you're having trouble with overwriting.  A different
|version of curses/Unix, perhaps?  Hotel was tested under SunOS and a Vax
|750 running 4.3 BSD.

I just tested hotel on a 4.3 system. Same problem. The text is being printed
in the top left hand of the screen, overwriting the board. I suspect you
meant to have it print the text below the board "window".

Anyone else with this problem?
***  Sean Casey          sean@ms.uky.edu, sean@ukma.bitnet, ukma!sean
***  Copyright 1989 by Sean Casey. Only non-profit redistribution permitted.
***  ``Don't you hate it when you can't think of a good quote?''

srt@aerospace.aero.org (Scott "TCB" Turner) (07/14/89)

In article <12164@s.ms.uky.edu> sean@ms.uky.edu (Sean Casey) writes:
>I just tested hotel on a 4.3 system. Same problem. The text is being printed
>in the top left hand of the screen, overwriting the board. I suspect you
>meant to have it print the text below the board "window".

I took the distribution as it came over comp.sources.games, built Hotel,
and it ran fine.  I've gotten a couple of messages from other people who
haven't had any problems.

I'd suggest looking at the code to try and locate the problem.  There isn't
anything tricky - I'm not, for instance, using separate curses windows for
the text and board output (there's something that actually doesn't work 
in curses, incidentally).  There's just a "move" right before the text is 
output.  If that move has no effect on your systems, I really can't explain

					-- Scott Turner

tom@mims-iris.uucp (Tom Haapanen) (07/15/89)

> srt@maui.cs.ucla.edu (Scott Turner) writes:
> |Sean, I don't know why you're having trouble with overwriting.  A different
> |version of curses/Unix, perhaps?  Hotel was tested under SunOS and a Vax
> |750 running 4.3 BSD.

sean@ms.uky.edu writes:
> I just tested hotel on a 4.3 system. Same problem. The text is being printed
> in the top left hand of the screen, overwriting the board. I suspect you
> meant to have it print the text below the board "window".

Works fine on on our Iris 4D70 with IRIX 3.1 (SysV 3.1)

					\tom haapanen
"now, you didn't really expect		tom@mims-iris.waterloo.edu
 my views to have anything to do	watmims research group
 with my employer's, did you?"		university of waterloo

jonathan@cs.keele.ac.uk (Jonathan Knight) (07/15/89)

From article <12164@s.ms.uky.edu>, by sean@ms.uky.edu (Sean Casey):
> srt@maui.cs.ucla.edu (Scott Turner) writes:
> I just tested hotel on a 4.3 system. Same problem. The text is being printed
> in the top left hand of the screen, overwriting the board. I suspect you
> meant to have it print the text below the board "window".
> Anyone else with this problem?

Yep.  I got the same thing.  I'm on a microVax II running Ultrix 1.2A
  ______    JANET :jonathan@uk.ac.keele.cs     Jonathan Knight,
    /       BITNET:jonathan%cs.kl.ac.uk@ukacrl Department of Computer Science
   / _   __ other :jonathan@cs.keele.ac.uk     University of Keele, Keele,
(_/ (_) / / UUCP  :...!ukc!kl-cs!jonathan      Staffordshire.  ST5 5BG.  U.K.

hoppi@vax1.acs.udel.EDU (David P Hopkins) (07/18/89)

From article <12164@s.ms.uky.edu>, by sean@ms.uky.edu (Sean Casey):
> srt@maui.cs.ucla.edu (Scott Turner) writes:
> I just tested hotel on a 4.3 system. Same problem. The text is being printed

I'm running the game on a SUN and it works ok, i'm not sure which version it is though.