[comp.sources.games.bugs] NetHack 3.0 display bug

sysop@comhex.UUCP (Joe E. Powell) (07/26/89)

I noticed that when items are thrown at me, or when I threw items
at other monsters, some trash shows up on the screen...

What shows up:			What should show up:

----+----			----+----
+....@..| 			+....@..|
|....).<50.  			|.......|
|.....$<50.  			|.......+
|....d$<50.  			|....d..|
|....)$<50.  			|.......|
|....)..+ 			|....)..+
--------- 			---------

If it's worth anything, I'm running on an AT&T 3B1.

Joe E. Powell