TSATSOUL@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu (08/03/89)
I am still (quit laughing; I was ... busy) trying to port Nethack 3.0 to a 3B1. I don't have any other version of Nethack, and I am using my 3B1 as a stand-alone PC. I have had no problems cc-ing BUT I just cannot figure out how to install the thing. Since I am the single and only user I would rather not put it in /usr/games, but that's the least of my problems. Can anybody out there (I have counted at least 3 people who have mentioned porting it on 3B1s) give me the info necessary to install Nethack on a 3B1. Please, be explicit, since my knowledge and experience is small. Thanks --- Costas Tsatsoulis Electrical and Computer Engineering The UNiversity of Kansas tsatsoul@volta.ece.ukans.edu tsatsoul@tisl.af.mil