bmyers@attctc.Dallas.TX.US (Bob Myers) (08/29/89)
I left a msg under the, but I also decided to try here. Has anyone been able to get nethack 3.0f to compile/link/run on an ibm pc, using ndmake 4.5 and the distributed termcap.arc file? i have compiled/linked the files together, with a minimum set of options, and thought I had set up all of the pathways correctly -- it seems that when the 533k exe file is loaded, the machine (a ps2/30) just sits there twiddling its bits... i am open to suggestions as to what to try next. I may just give up with the ibm port , by the end of this week, and see about getting a hard drive for my amiga 500 and porting to it instead...(maybe a better chance? -- atleast i'd have sound effects...) - bob myers Systems Engineer FPU Applications Group Texas Instruments