[comp.sources.games.bugs] Larn: HELP!

f90caru@andante.fy.chalmers.se (Carlo Ruberto) (01/08/91)

   Hello! I`m sorry, but I`m new to Unix and C. I have one question to
make about the game Larn.
   After I`ve compiled the game with the make command (I run the program
on a Unix Sun machine), I try to start the program with the command
larn122, but all I get are the following messages:

error creating </usr/users/routley/larncc/larn.scr>
Can`t write scoreboard
Can`t open options file "/v/ftekn/f90/f90caru/.larnopts"
Can't obtain playerid

and the game won't start.
   I keep the program in the directory v/ftekn/f90/f90caru (my home-
directory) /News/Games/Larn/
   I suspect that the file patches01 supplied with the extra shell archive,
published recently, could somehow adjust part of my problem, but I don't know
how to use it. If anybody out there knows what the problem is, please help me.

              Carlo M. Ruberto        ---        f90caru@fy.chalmers.se

routley@tle.enet.dec.com (01/09/91)

CFLAGS=-DDGK -DBSD -D'LARNHOME="/usr/users/routley/larncc/"'

If you change that line to:

CFLAGS=-DDGK -DBSD -D'LARNHOME="v/ftekn/f90/f90caru/News/Games/Larn/"'

and re-build the executable, it should work fine for you.  LARNHOME is a  C
#define that tells Larn where to find the support files ( larn.maz,
larn.hlp, etc)
and where to create the scorefile.

The documentation from the makefile that explains this and other defines was
mistakenly removed in the distribution.
