[rec.games.moria] Official umoria 4.85 patches

wilson@ji.Berkeley.EDU (James E. Wilson) (04/01/88)

Here are the four patches that I have so far for umoria 4.85.
These have all been posted before, so be careful not to apply a patch
that has already been applied.

1) Randint bug
   - no more high level monsters on low levels
   - reduces number of items generated
   - eliminates high bonuses on weapons, armor, etc.
2) Shop inventory bug
   - put food back into the shops
3) Black Ooze bug
   - no more disappearing cursors/games crashes while fighting black oozes
4) randint bug 2
   - make random number 'more random' at startup

Patches 2 and 3 also can be applied to PC-Moria 4.83

echo x - patch.posted
sed 's/^X//' >patch.posted << 'END-of-patch.posted'
X*** oldsrc/misc1.c	Fri Jan 15 10:23:38 1988
X--- moria/misc1.c	Thu Jan 14 18:20:27 1988
X*** 34,40 ****
X  #endif
X  #ifdef USG
X! void srand();
X  #else
X  long random();
X  char *initstate();
X--- 34,42 ----
X  #endif
X  #ifdef USG
X! long lrand48();
X! void srand48();
X! unsigned short *seed48();
X  #else
X  long random();
X  char *initstate();
X*** 58,64 ****
X    clock = time((long *)0);
X    clock = clock * getpid() * euid;
X  #ifdef USG
X!   /* can't do this, sigh */
X  #else
X    (void) initstate((unsigned int)clock, randes_state, STATE_SIZE);
X  #endif
X--- 60,66 ----
X    clock = time((long *)0);
X    clock = clock * getpid() * euid;
X  #ifdef USG
X!   /* only uses randes_seed */
X  #else
X    (void) initstate((unsigned int)clock, randes_state, STATE_SIZE);
X  #endif
X*** 67,73 ****
X    clock = time((long *)0);
X    clock = clock * getpid() * euid;
X  #ifdef USG
X!   /* can't do this */
X  #else
X    (void) initstate((unsigned int)clock, town_state, STATE_SIZE);
X  #endif
X--- 69,75 ----
X    clock = time((long *)0);
X    clock = clock * getpid() * euid;
X  #ifdef USG
X!   /* only uses town_seed */
X  #else
X    (void) initstate((unsigned int)clock, town_state, STATE_SIZE);
X  #endif
X*** 76,88 ****
X    clock = time((long *)0);
X    clock = clock * getpid() * euid * getuid();
X  #ifdef USG
X!   /* can't do this, do fake it */
X!   srand((unsigned int)clock);
X  #else
X    (void) initstate((unsigned int)clock, norm_state, STATE_SIZE);
X  #endif
X  }
X  /* change to different random number generator state */
X--- 78,94 ----
X    clock = time((long *)0);
X    clock = clock * getpid() * euid * getuid();
X  #ifdef USG
X!   /* can't do this, so fake it */
X!   srand48(clock);
X  #else
X    (void) initstate((unsigned int)clock, norm_state, STATE_SIZE);
X  #endif
X  }
X+ #ifdef USG
X+ /* special array for restoring the SYS V number generator */
X+ unsigned short oldseed[3];
X+ #endif
X  /* change to different random number generator state */
X*** 91,97 ****
X  int seed;
X  {
X  #ifdef USG
X!   srand((unsigned)seed);
X  #else
X    (void) setstate(state);
X    /* want reproducible state here, so call srandom */
X--- 97,113 ----
X  int seed;
X  {
X  #ifdef USG
X!   unsigned short *pointer;
X!   /* make phony call to get pointer to old value of seed */
X!   pointer = seed48(oldseed);
X!   /* copy old seed into oldseed */
X!   oldseed[0] = pointer[0];
X!   oldseed[1] = pointer[1];
X!   oldseed[2] = pointer[2];
X!   /* want reproducible state here, so call srand48 */
X!   srand48((long)seed);
X  #else
X    (void) setstate(state);
X    /* want reproducible state here, so call srandom */
X*** 104,111 ****
X  reset_seed()
X  {
X  #ifdef USG
X    /* can't do this, so just call srand() with the current time */
X!   srand((unsigned int)(time ((long *)0)));
X  #else
X    (void) setstate(norm_state);
X  #endif
X--- 120,130 ----
X  reset_seed()
X  {
X  #ifdef USG
X+   (void) seed48(oldseed);
X+ #if 0
X    /* can't do this, so just call srand() with the current time */
X!   srand48((unsigned int)(time ((long *)0)));
X! #endif
X  #else
X    (void) setstate(norm_state);
X  #endif
X*** 154,162 ****
X    long randval;
X  #ifdef USG
X!   randval = rand(); /* only returns numbers from 0 to 2**15-1 */
X  #else
X!   randval = random() >> 16;
X  #endif
X    return ((randval % maxval) + 1);
X  }
X--- 173,181 ----
X    long randval;
X  #ifdef USG
X!   randval = lrand48();
X  #else
X!   randval = random();
X  #endif
X    return ((randval % maxval) + 1);
X  }
echo x - patch.posted2
sed 's/^X//' >patch.posted2 << 'END-of-patch.posted2'
X*** oldsrc/store1.c	Sat Feb 13 03:24:09 1988
X--- moria/store1.c	Fri Feb 12 18:38:26 1988
X*** 314,320 ****
X    do
X      {
X        i = store_choice[store_num][randint(STORE_CHOICES)-1];
X!       t_list[cur_pos] = inventory_init[i];
X        magic_treasure(cur_pos, OBJ_TOWN_LEVEL);
X        inventory[INVEN_MAX] = t_list[cur_pos];
X        if (store_check_num(store_num)) 
X--- 314,321 ----
X    do
X      {
X        i = store_choice[store_num][randint(STORE_CHOICES)-1];
X!       /* this index is one more than it should be, so subtract one */
X!       t_list[cur_pos] = inventory_init[i-1];
X        magic_treasure(cur_pos, OBJ_TOWN_LEVEL);
X        inventory[INVEN_MAX] = t_list[cur_pos];
X        if (store_check_num(store_num)) 
echo x - patch.posted3
sed 's/^X//' >patch.posted3 << 'END-of-patch.posted3'
X*** oldmoria2.c	Sat Feb 27 15:23:30 1988
X--- moria2.c	Sat Feb 27 15:22:59 1988
X*** 515,522 ****
X  	lite_spot((int)m_ptr->fy, (int)m_ptr->fx);
X        else
X  	unlite_spot((int)m_ptr->fy, (int)m_ptr->fx);
X-       pushm(j);
X      }
X    if (mon_tot_mult > 0)
X      mon_tot_mult--;
X  }
X--- 515,522 ----
X  	lite_spot((int)m_ptr->fy, (int)m_ptr->fx);
X        else
X  	unlite_spot((int)m_ptr->fy, (int)m_ptr->fx);
X      }
X+   pushm(j);
X    if (mon_tot_mult > 0)
X      mon_tot_mult--;
X  }
echo x - patch.posted4
sed 's/^X//' >patch.posted4 << 'END-of-patch.posted4'
X*** misc1.c.old  Sat Mar  5 18:31:07 1988
X--- misc1.c  Sun Feb 28 16:44:46 1988
X*** 82,87
X  #else
X    (void) initstate((unsigned int)clock, norm_state, STATE_SIZE);
X  #endif
X  }
X  #ifdef USG
X--- 82,90 -----
X  #else
X    (void) initstate((unsigned int)clock, norm_state, STATE_SIZE);
X  #endif
X+   /* Help the random number generators avoid sucking dead worms through a
X+    * straw. */
X+   { int spin = randint(31); while (spin-- >0) randint(2); }
X  }
X  #ifdef USG

Jim Wilson                  "If it is only a game, then why keep score?"
wilson@ji.Berkeley.EDU          Worf - Star Trek: The Next Generation