[rec.games.moria] Moria Bug, Rings of Gain Ability

granger@cg-atla.UUCP (Peter Granger ) (04/05/88)

  This one's so obvious, it's probably been reported before, but I've
found a bug with rings of gain ability.

  I had my dex up to 18/81, and found a ring of dexterity +2. Wondering
how it would affect my "to hit" roll, I put it on, and went to 18/100.
After satisfying my curiosity, I took it off, and my dexterity went down
to 18/80. I quaffed a potion of restore dexterity, and it didn't help.
So what it looks like is the ring added 20, with a max of 100, when I
put it on, and subtracted 20 when I took it off, without regard to my
real dexterity score. I guess the authors just never expected anyone to
spend so much time looking for those potions :-).
Pete Granger                   ...!{decvax,ulowell,ima}!cg-atla!granger
"The moon is much more important than the sun, for the sun shines only
 during the day, when it's light anyway, but the moon provides light at
 night when it would otherwise be dark."