[pyr.syseng.comm] Very odd control message causes news failure, uuxqt queue hang.

csg@pyramid.pyramid.com (Carl S. Gutekunst) (05/19/88)

In article <23121@pyramid.pyramid.com>, I said:
>If it's any consolation, Sun is switching to BNU (aka HoneyDanBer) in SunOS
>4.0. So you can all stop groaning and moaning about Sun's UUCP....

In article <127@ists> mike@ists (Mike Clarkson) writes:
>My understanding is that the new UUCP will not be in 4.0, but is planned for 

Mea Culpa! I misunderstood Bill Shannon's note. Yes, it will not be in 4.0.
Bill is working on the BNU port now, and he's going to do it *right*. As it
comes right off the tape, SVR3 BNU is lacking a few important features, and
has some appalling bugs. (You can tell at a glance which code was from the
original HDB, and which was hacked in later. Love 'em or damn 'em, but Peter,
Dave, and Brian write beautiful code.)

>I heard once that Rick Salz...

Try Rick Adams. C'mon folks, Ric_k Adams, Ric_h Salz. They're not inter-
changable. :-)

>... gave them a fully ported 4.3 UUCP a long time ago but that they didn't do
>anything with it.

Plain ol' 4.3BSD UUCP runs just dandy on SunOS 3.x; seismo is a Sun 3/180,
remember. So if you've got the source license, go for it. Make sure you have
all of Rick's latest fixes.

What you fail to understand is that a computer vendor cannot take a 500K hunk
of source code -- no matter how well it works -- and simply drop it into their
release. It took me three months to add 4.3BSD UUCP to Pyramid's OSx, excluding
local enhancements. That included:

- Learning the new code. If I don't understand it, I'm not shipping it; I
  don't care who ported or how much I respect them. As a *vendor*, I cannot
  trust anyone else to support my machine. Vendors cannot supply software they
  cannot support.
- Querying sample customers. We had to determine how much it would disrupt
  existing customer's operations to drop a radically new UUCP on them. (As it
  happens, I did a less than adaquate job, and got some rude flames as a con-
- Beta testing, and fixing bugs. Nothing's perfect, and I have an obligation
  to the customers to make sure the software works.
- Writing the release notes. Lots of changes between the old and new versions.
  A README file in the source directory will not do.
- Training field service, and providing materials to the education department.
  This included preparing a course on UUCP adminstration, making lecture notes
  and transparencies, and lecturing to a VCR so we could distribute tapes to
  the field offices. We got a lot of calls about UUCP. The people who answer
  the phones have to be able to answer the questions.
- Man pages. (At the time, the 4.3BSD UUCP man pages hadn't been written.)
- Administrator's manual. I wasn't happy with the 4.3BSD SMM:9, so I rewrote
  it. Sun probably wouldn't like my document either (it doesn't fit their for-
  mat, and I'm not exactly a professional writer), so they'd have to rewrite
  it again.

Sure, Sun had a working 4.3BSD that they did nothing with. In their place, I
would have done the same thing. Sun's management decided that there were a lot
more important things to do than supporting a new UUCP -- only a tiny fraction
of their installed base uses it. Pyramid, on the other hand, sells to a diff-
erent customer base, one for whom UUCP was much more important; so we took the
necessary time.
